blanket for Kiara

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Hey Nialler can you please pass me that blanket over there I said nicely. Yeah no problem Kiara. Hey we should do something fun tonight Kiara. Yeah but first stop hogging the blanket I said in a serious voice. But Kiara I'm really  cold he said. Niall so am I, if you still want to get kissed by me and hug me you will share the blanket if you don't you won't get kissed or hugged by me for 2 whole weeks.As soon as I finished saying that he got the blanket and he began to cuddle into my chest. I love you Kiara. So do I Niall.

Hey there . Quick question for you. Are you reading my new book ( I work for One Direction)? It's really good  I would give a discretion but I have the flu and I have so little energy to be doing nothing. So you lazy bums get my book and read it.ok love all you fun people.

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