You Can See the Stars

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Only in the darkness can you see the stars.

— Martin Luther King, Jr.


Marinette ruminates over recent events while deciding where to go from here.


Amaia: Hey, Mireya?

Mireya: Yes, mijita?

Amaia: Do we have anymore of that roast cod you made for dinner today?

Mireya: Plenty of it
Mireya: There's also some corn and mashed potatoes with lots of fresh veggies
Mireya: Why do you ask?

Amaia: Well, a student didn't come to class today
Amaia: And they didn't come to school these past five days either
Amaia: I heard they were having problems at home
Amaia: So I'd like to see if they'd appreciate a hot meal

Mireya: How nice of you, mijita :)
Mireya: I'm sure they will appreciate the gesture :)

Amaia: ... you think so?
Amaia: I mean, I'm only doing it because it sounded like they need the help
Amaia: I'm not trying to make myself look good

Mireya: Mijita
Mireya: You don't need to justify yourself
Mireya: You need to remember you are your own person
Mireya: What she said to you at the end of the trial was uncalled for
Mireya: You are not the same as her

Amaia: ...
Amaia: I know, it...
Amaia: It still hurts
Amaia: It's been a year and it still hurts
Amaia: I can't stop thinking this is just me trying to erase all the influence she had over me
Amaia: What if I'm just doing this to make myself look good?

Mireya: That's what separates you from her
Mireya: You question yourself and wonder if you're doing the right thing
Mireya: Something she never did

Amaia: ... is this really the right thing for me to do?
Amaia: I can't help but feel like I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong

Mireya: You never know unless you ask, mijita
Mireya: I trust your judgment. I did raise you, after all :)

Amaia: ...
Amaia: thank you


Marinette was used to a lot of things. Then again, it came with the territory of being a superhero. Being Marinette Dupain-Cheng, she had to get used to a lot of unpleasant things quickly. A partner she once trusted became unreliable the longer this crisis went on. Classmates who fell head over heels for a liar even though they knew her longer. And finally, teachers who expected her to bend over backward for everyone, her mental health be damned. It wasn't enough that the one person who knew there was a liar said and did nothing while it was all happening. Now he was here almost every day despite her parents making it clear he wasn't welcome. And for what? To restore the pecking order where she was everyone's punching bag?

That thought alone made all her love for Adrien die like a withered rose.

When her parents found out what was going on, it took everything she had to convince them not to slaughter the whole class. Instead, being the everyday Ladybug she was, she agreed to their idea of transferring to a different school. One that was geared toward rising artists like her. One that would nurture her talent instead of stifling it under unrelenting demands. It was perfect for starting over with a clean slate.

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