They Can't Have You

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They've been stealing mortals away for centuries, but they can't have you.

— Melissa Marr


Master Fu and company prepare for the oncoming storm.


            The wind blew against their faces, a combination of the chilly mid-December air and Levante's magic. Trumpet-shaped blossoms enhanced by the Protection of the Turtle swirled around. And soon, under the command of Cyprian, the trees lining the street erupted in magic. Invisible leaves and flowers scattered about, seen only by those who were chosen by the Miraculous. Howls from various wolves filled the air, signaling the completion of the Pack's rounds around Paris for today.

Jade Turtle surveyed the cityscape, making sure they had gotten every last part of the city's defenses fortified and erected. When the Fae came to warn him of Botere's presence in Paris, he was scared. Scared for everything that would come with the hostile werewolves in the city. Scared for what would happen to both Marinette and Adrien should Botere's loyalists get their claws on them. As disappointed as he was once he learned the truth from Idon, he would never live with himself if any harm came to the boy. But alas, that was not his priority today.

"Is that everything?" Jade Turtle asked. Cyprian lowered his hands now that he had finished casting his spell.

"This was the last stop," the Wood Fae confirmed. Behind them, Starlight and Levante materialized.

"Good," Jade Turtle breathed, relieved that the most difficult part of his duties was over. For now. "Wayzz," he commanded. "Shell Off." A vivid green light shone, engulfing the form of Jade Turtle and replacing it with the form of Wang Fu. Wayzz hovered near his Holder for a bit before resting on his shoulder. These past few days spent fortifying the city's defenses had been exhausting, at best. Fu felt like he could barely walk after finishing today.

"Here," he heard someone say. "Lean on me." Fu wobbled some, stabilized only by the hand of the Wood Fae next to him. Then he felt something warm and fuzzy coming against his side. Looking up, he was met with the warm compassion of Starlight's eyes. The wolf wrapped her tail around him like a comforting scarf. In turn, Fu gave her a good scratch behind the ears as thanks. As much as she allowed, anyway. The last thing he wanted was to get his hand bitten off a la Týr.

With some guidance from Levante, the wolf, the Master, and the Wood Fae made it to a nearby bench where Fu could catch his breath. Which, thanks to the winter season, stung his lungs some. Knowing that Paris was even an inch safer from the werewolves that followed Botere, it was worth it.

Fu sat down on the bench, allowing his old bones to rest now that they had finished setting up the various defenses around the city. Aside from the Turtle's shields protecting the civilians from harm, Cyprian's magic enabled the plants around Paris to act as magical booby traps. Levante enchanted the winds around Paris to warn them of any schemes Botere and his cronies were up to. Lastly, Mireya's spells enabled them to use the Seine around Paris to survey their movements. On paper, it was the ideal magical security system. But given the threat they were dealing with, it was only a matter of time before they find out first-hand how effective these measures were.

They weren't dealing with just Hawk Moth, after all.

"Goodness..." Fu said, rubbing his temples. "I must be getting old if it takes this long..." Wayzz comforted his Holder.

"Do not push yourself, Master," the Turtle Kwami said. Beside them, Starlight jumped on the bench and wrapped herself around the Guardian. Her tail rested on his lap, acting as an impromptu insulator. "We did what we could. Now we have to trust in them." Them being the Fae. Which, courtesy of past experience, was the last thing Fu wanted to do. Alas, dangerous enemies left no room for petty squabbling.

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