Once Is Enough

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You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

— Mae West


Marlena and Otis confront Alya.


            "Thank you for coming, you've been an excellent help," Marlena said to the movers helping them. Outside of their residence was a large truck full of boxes containing several of their belongings. The smaller items they wouldn't immediately miss along with some pieces of furniture. It didn't feel good planning this behind Alya's back, but as it stood they didn't trust her to react well to finding out they were moving. Doubly so when Alya hadn't "made up" with Marinette before they left, whatever that meant in Alya's dictionary. They weren't interested in sticking around to find out.

"It's no problem, ma'am," one mover said, tipping his hat. "Take care."

"You as well."

Marlena watched with careful eyes and a heavy heart while the first moving truck drove away from their home. Not long after Alya was incarcerated, she and Otis sat down for a long talk. It alarmed them to hear the things she said on the stand. How was Marinette a jealous bully and a talentless hack when they had seen for themselves how passionate the other girl was about design? It was equally disturbing when they heard the same thing being spouted by Bustier and the rest of the class like some sort of hivemind or cult. In the end, though they had accepted this would be Alya's punishment for her horrendous treatment of Marinette, it would be best if they left Paris altogether.

Ella and Etta were sad and didn't fully understand what was going on when Marlena and Otis told them. But the age-old "we're going on an adventure" story did the trick in getting them motivated. They said goodbye to their friends and classmates, told their teachers they would be moving, and got a party to say goodbye. Marlena was loathed to admit it, but she had to bribe them with extra treats to keep quiet to Alya. She just knew Otis would be holding that over her head for his favorite meal once they settled in their new place.

Nora was in a similar situation. While more understanding than their youngest siblings, she had talked with her coach about what to expect. There would be some changes in her routine for certain. But at least they would be away from the magical terrorism that was Hawk Moth. Nora would never forgive Hawk Moth for akumatizing her. But now she could focus on her life instead of worrying about a magical butterfly coming for her on a bad day. What's more, Marlena and Otis had tasked her with tailing Alya whenever she went out of the house. It was admittedly risky letting her believe she was getting off scot-free (for now). But with Nora's vigilance, they could keep tabs on her without her finding out what was happening.


Marlena sat down on the couch after coming back in, massaging her temples. Many questions ran through her mind regarding their current situation. How did it come to this? How did Alya degenerate into such a savage brute under their noses? Was it their fault for not paying enough attention? Did Alya already have those problems and they just never knew about it? Or was Bustier the cause of everything?

Regardless, after Alya came back from whatever scheme she had concocted this time, they would find out.

Beep beep!


Marlena pulled her phone out of her pocket, seeing a message from Nora. True to her direct nature, there was no text message. Just an audio recording of the impromptu meeting Alya held in the park. Marlena sighed, already dreading what she was going to hear.

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