Real Magic

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Real magic can never be made by offering someone else's liver. You must tear out your own, and not expect to get it back.

— Peter S. Beagle


Salomon goes about his day amid the recent chaos.


            BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!


Salomon pulled the pillow over his head in a feeble attempt to block out the piercing and repetitive shriek. With every movement, sleep protested and tried to pull him back into the comfortable sheets. Fighting it every step of the way was his sense of duty and responsibility. And since his sense of responsibility had years of practice in the warzone, it won out in the end. His bleary eyes still shut and sneaking in more sleep, Salomon sat up in his bed.

Yesterday had been... a day, to put it lightly. It was the day Miss Dupain-Cheng had — officially and on paper — taken her class to trial. But of course, being on paper didn't quite match up to what actually happened. It was a mess, and it was a mess everyone would like to put behind them eventually. Cracking a yawn, Salomon got up and made his bed. Normally, at this time of the day, he'd be hearing the hustle and bustle of the wolves getting ready for school. But thanks to the situation with Dupont and the school board, they were still in their beds. He and Mireya were quite sure the school was going to be shut down until they hired new staff. There weren't any email updates yet, but it was a foregone conclusion in everyone's minds.

Speaking of, Chloé had requested another lesson today. About the same time as yesterday. Salomon was interested in knowing why the girl had adamantly kept him from attending the trial. On one hand, it made sense. He didn't know the family as well as the others. On the other hand, Marinette had been her favorite target for years. Yet when he asked why Chloé forbade him from attending the trial...

Well, he would try to ask during today's lesson.

Heading to the bathroom, he began his morning routine of normal everyday things that happen to normal everyday people. Well, as normal as can be with his status as the only human in this household. Besides their guest. It still boggled his mind how he got involved in the likes of the supernatural when, to his knowledge, there was no magic sword to retrieve from a lake. Was it karma or something? Or was it a higher power beyond his control? Either way, he'd long since accepted his life wouldn't be the same ever since he took in Amaia that rainy day. Finishing the routine, he rummaged through his closet to change out of his pajamas. He was thankful Mireya had pressed the suit yesterday.

Adjusting the collar so it looked appropriate for work, he absently rubbed the empty spot on his ring finger. The spot his wedding band had once occupied. Pausing, Salomon glanced down and frowned. It hadn't been long since his divorce a little over a year ago. Thirteen years of marriage gone just like that. Was it his fault their marriage had failed? Or was it something else? Hearing from his co-workers that his then-wife was seeing another man behind his back should have been the first red flag. Then again, he had gotten boring according to her. Why she felt the need to make six months of his life a living hell during their divorce, he would never know.

Salomon never considered himself to be much of an exciting man. True, he was boring and order-oriented. But it kept a roof over his head and food on the table. His ex-wife Inés, on the other hand, craved adventure and excitement. It was a stupid decision, in hindsight, to marry for the thrill of it back then. But they were stupid teenagers in love. They could have made it work. They would travel the world with their friends and explore the outside of Andalusia. Perhaps even beyond Europe. It had been a nice dream while it lasted. But people change and grow up. And some... never do.

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