─ Scene VII: Suneater ─

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The floor opened up under a group of them, causing them to fall down to another layer of the basement. This group included: Kirishima, Izuku, Tamaki, Rock Lock, Nigheye, another pro hero whose name slips his mind, Fat Gum, four police officers, Aizawa, and [Y/N]. 

It wasn't a long fall, so no serious damage happened, but the hole closed up so they couldn't get back to the group. Izuku had mumbled something about asking where they were. "We're just getting farther and farther from the target now. These guys're punking us real good!!" Rock Lock remarked. [Y/N] was only thinking about Mirio, the kid had a good Quirk, but that didn't make him invincible, especially if there are Quirk-erasing bullets.

[Y/N]'s ears twisted as he heard other people, drawing his swords just in case. "Lookee here... State authorized goons, dropping from the sky... Life's just full of surprises, huh?" There were three guys. One was bald with a white mask, one had a black beak-like mask and a sword, and the final one had a sheet over his head with only holes for the eyes, and rope tied around his neck. 

[Y/N] was going to take the sword guy out if he were to fight. "So they wanna fight...?! How about we show 'em what us here pros can do!" Fat Gum was fired up, but Tamaki put his arm out to stop him.

Tamaki was facing the three villains, his back to everyone as he spoke. "You pros and your power are essential to the mission! As for these guys trying to slow us down... I can deal with them myself!" Tamaki insisted. [Y/N] personally would not let him take on three guys alone, since he was still a student.

Kirishima, who was by Fat Gum, shouted over at his upperclassman. "What the heck, man?! Let's do this together!" That's how they should do it in any other normal case, but they did not have the time to stand around and shout at each other about what to do... 

God, he should have gone with Mirio, he could have used White Lightning to put electricity into the walls, then he could manifest his body into the walls and gone through. It'd take a few seconds, but... Yeah, he can move through electric currents. The drawback is painful though, so he doesn't do it often. 

Maybe he should stop complaining. "Yeahhh! Work together, why don'tcha? More pigs to the slaughter." The sound of his sword cutting the air told him that the blade was well-kept. Not that his own wasn't, he was just a little scared for his blades.

The head of police had commented that the guy with a sword was Setsuno and not to pull a gun on him, asking for the heroes' help. "I guess the secret's out! Whatever... It'll make it all the easier to go wild on y'all!" Setsuno rushed towards them, his hand outstretched as if going to use whatever Quirk he had.

Aizawa's hair flared up, indicating that he was using his Quirk. Due to his yellow goggles, you couldn't see if his eyes had changed to their golden color. It usually has a bright light without the goggles. "That won't work! Now drop the blade!" Setsuno stopped in his tracks, looking at his hand as he seemed confused.

Then the bald guy spoke up, pointing his gun at Aizawa. "A Quirk canceler... like Eri's Degradation Quirk. I've heard about this before. He's not a guy you wanna tangle with... but it doesn't matter. What we're here to do is to slow 'em down!" [Y/N] had activated Capacitance just in case he dared fire the gun. He would be able to get to Aizawa quicker than the bullet.

He knew he couldn't be violent like he would in the LoV. If this was an LoV mission, he would have severed the guy's arm before he could even pull out the gun. If he did that here, his hero license would surely be revoked, and he's not looking to do that test again. "Blades 'n' bullets'll just sink into me! Come quietly if you don't wanna suffer!" Fat Gum shouted to the three.

"Threats like that only work on people who value life!" Setsuno shouted back at Fat Gum.

"We can use our weapons as long as Eraser's doing his thing! Surrender now!" The head of police along with his team has their guns pointed at the three. 

That was until Tamaki jumped in, capturing them all in his tentacle fingers. "Setsuno, 'Larceny'. Hojo, 'Crystallize'. Tabe, 'Food'. I'll take you all on!" Tamaki slammed them into the wall furthest from the heroes. "I get to indulge in plenty of Takoyaki at the Fat Agency, so my octopus proficiency is maxed out, and I'm pretty cautious about these things since getting shot." Tamaki had their weapons in a bundle of tentacles, snapping the sword and guns in half as the tentacles turned into a lobster claw. "Fighting these three doesn't solve anything. If our pros get caught up handling this situation, then we're playing right into their hands." Setsuno got back up to his feet, still entangled in the tentacles. Kirishima went to object but Tamaki continued. "There's not a moment to spare! Eraser needs to lead the way, and you'll need the pros' Quirks. Plus you've got the power to smash through those morphing walls! And the police have their guns! Fat Gum! I can keep these three occupied by myself!" Tamaki turned back to Fat Gum for a moment to show he was telling the truth.

[Y/N] personally was getting sick of waiting. If he could have had it his way, the guys would be dead long ago and they'd be moving already. Capacitance felt like it was burning his skin with every second he wasn't moving, he was twirling his sword in his hand, but it was not enough.

He was practically hopping on the spot, he had to move. "God, if only heroes could kill. I'm going to catch up to Mirio, I can't stand waiting around without driving my sword through someone." He slotted his swords back in place before taking off in a flash of white, not even waiting for what anyone could say to him.

His hands itched to get bloody, Capacitance begging to be unleashed, god, now he remembered why he joined the League of Villains. Hero rules were too strict, but the life of a pure villain didn't suit his goal either... the term "Vigilante" was perfect, but the heroes see vigilantes exactly like they do villains.

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