─ Scene VII: Temp Squad ─

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Fat Gum held Kirishima in his arms, calling his hero name to try and wake him up and make sure he was fine. Kirishima had barely opened one eye, asking who he was. "It's Fat!! I took care of the rest! Just take a look around!" The arena they were fighting in was destroyed thanks to Fat's stored-up power. 

Kirishima wasn't looking good, he looked like he was going t pass out any second. "I... gotta... protect Fat... Do... what I... can..." Poor Fat Gum was tearing up at the sight of his intern and his words, knowing why Kirishima had joined his agency in the first place. 

Unbeknownst to them, Rappa was getting back up. "Not yet... There's a death match... and I... ain't dead yet!" Rappa was swaying as he stood, his arms hung down as if he couldn't use them anymore.

As Rappa stuck slow steps toward them, Fat got worried. He was all out of fat and running low on stamina, then Rappa said something that surprised him. "There's first aid supplies down that way. Patch that kid-... No, patch that man up." Fat Gum had answered saying it was obviously a trap. "Doo I look like the cunning type to you" Rappa answered back. 

It was surprising that Rappa was still conscious, but Tengai? "Rappa...!! Stop going off script!! Controlling your battle-crazed lunacy is my job! You have to listen to me! Think about why they'd want a brute like you down here! A beast who feasts on violence!! What role are you meant to play, Rappa?!" Rappa kicked Tengai straight in the chest, knocking him to the floor and keeping his foot planted on the weaker man's upper torso.

Tengai wheezed as the air left his lungs. "You got no energy left for barriers, right? Then shut up! I'm not doing so hot myself... I got these broken bones and I can't even lift my arms." It was no wonder that the beast was hunched over, his arms must have been severally broken. Fat Gum had asked what he was really after. "A good fight. A death match. You've heard of underground fighting rings, yeah? Clubs where brawlers battle all out with Quirks. Not many have stood back up after a beating from my fists. Even those who did would only beg for their lives. Y'know what that's like? The pain of never having real satisfaction?!" The more riled up Rappa got, the more he talked about himself, revealing his true identity bit by bit. "I don't know why, but something about putting your life on the line in battle makes me feel alive... I love it! You two are freaking great!! Especially red hair, there!! I like what you got, kid!! So we're gonna have a rematch to the death!! Better heal up!! 'Cause next time we fight, you're a dead man!!" Rappa went off in the direction of where he said the first aid supplies were, ignoring Fat Gum who told him he'll be arrested soon enough.


A few days earlier. 

[Y/N] was sitting beside Tomura, Chisaki across from them. He wore his long, white cloak to hide his identity. His hair and fur were stained black with ash, he can't thank Dabi enough for that little trick. "Ever play Shogi?" Chisaki asked, a board laid in front of them with the game Shogi prepared by his two minions. 

[Y/N] was here for Tomura's safety. If Chisaki could have his two little minions, then Tomura could at least have one. "Nah, so put it away. I don't even know the rules." Tomura answered back, doing a hand signal to Chronostatis to take away the board game.

[Y/N] was more of a chess kinda guy, but oh well. "Don't be like that. This is your chance to pick up a new hobby." The only hobby that [Y/N] knew Tomura had was gaming. The League plays Mario Kart sometimes and Tomura wins more times than anyone else, it's rigged. "You learn how to step back and take stock of the whole game. My favorite part about Shogi..." Chisaki reached down for one of the pieces on the board. "...is how you can utilize pieces stolen from the opponent." He held up the piece he picked up to be at eye level with them all. "So give me Kurogiri or Toga. Perhaps Bubaigawara and Myobu instead. I can't feel at ease with them running amok." [Y/N] glanced over at Tomura, knowing damn well he isn't going to be auctioned off to the child abuser. 

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