─ Scene XIV: A Day With The League ─

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[Y/N] exited U.A., knowing that the meeting site was significantly further away from the campus. It was the day following Shoto and Katsuki's training, as discussed over the phone with Giran. He dressed simply in black shorts and a loose sleeveless shirt with exposed sides. He was also wearing black bandages over his feet and shins.

The walk was long, but it was good for him to stretch his legs. Before that, he was thinking about how he would have to cover his tails before getting on the bike with Jin because his tails were frequently in the way due to the wind and how fluffy they were.

You may be wondering why and how Jin has his motorcycle. Simply, [Y/N] had given Jin an extra set of keys a while back in case he ever lost them and didn't have a spare on him. Jin frequently got rides from [Y/N] to everywhere he needed to go because [Y/N] was the only one of the two possessing a vehicle. Therefore, when [Y/N] fractured his foot and was unable to drive, Jin insisted on taking him wherever.

At first, [Y/N] was not very keen on the idea of letting anyone drive his beloved motorcycle, but over time Jin gained his trust to drive it whenever he needed, such as now.

When he arrived at the meeting location, he couldn't help but laugh lightly at Jin, who was wearing [Y/N]'s helmet. It had fox ears on it for [Y/N]'s large ears, he hated having to squish them down so he got his helmet modified.

Jin, of course, had to wear it to hide his face. What would the media think if they saw the kitsune riding with an LoV member?

"You look ridiculous in my helmet," He remarked as he made his way over to the blonde.

Jin was on his phone while he was waiting, looking up as he heard the kitsune talk. "Saying I wouldn't look good with your Quirk?" He answered back. [Y/N] could hear the smile in his voice. He let flames engulf his legs, turning them from inhuman fox legs to regular human legs.

Black bandages wrapped around his feet up to his shins, his heel exposed. He eas also currently on his tippy toes, being way too used to it with his fox legs. "Only I look good with my Quirk. Double suits you much better than Kitsune would." With a shake of his tails, they vanished into thin air. He would rather them be hidden during this ride. "So, you gonna tell me what Giran wants?" He questioned as he got up on the bike, sitting behind Jin.

Jin would have given him his helmet back to protect his ears from the harsh wind, but that was a risk since y'know... League of Villains... "Nah, but you'll love what he's got waiting for you." He couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing...

He wrapped his arms around Jin's waist before they headed off. His claws may have been piercing his shirt a little but Jin was used to it. He also figured his claws had to be cut as they were getting rather long.

As they drove to the base, Jin could feel the kitsune's head lying against his back, his head turned to the side so his ear was against it, protecting it from the wind. He wouldn't have been surprised if when they got there, [Y/N] had fallen asleep. It happened a lot and he typically has to then carry the white-haired male inside.    

Though, luckily, he did not fall asleep on him. Though he did look like he was about to. Jin took off the helmet as [Y/N] lifted his head off the blonde's back, letting go of his hold around his waist before getting off the bike and stretching with a yawn.

Surprisingly, Jin didn't have his mask on under the helmet, though he did have a black headband on. The headband wasn't a permanent fix, but it was better than nothing.

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