─ Scene XIII: Awaiting His Return ─

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They were outside waiting for the students to change out of their hero costumes. All Might was talking with the Shiketsu High teacher and the student who wasn't here to partake in these lessons. He believed the kid's name was Shishikura.

When the students did eventually come out, Camie was the first over to them. "What's this? Shishikura's chatting with the symbol himself, All Might? Crazy... Whatcha talking about? Life and stuff?" [Y/N] looked back at the other three students, they all had their stuff and were ready to get going. He was ready to go too, but he wasn't going back to U.A.

Shishikura quite aggressively turned and practically shouted in Camie's face. "It's about you, you dunce!!" He had this scowl look plastered on his face, it was almost laughable. 

She seemed pretty surprised that they were talking about her, so the teacher spoke up. "Camie, this is an investigator of the League of Villains, Yokai." The teacher introduced the Kitsune's fake title to the girl, he gave her a small smile. "We now know the League of Villains is prepared to attack other schools besides U.A. Shiketsu and U.A. have never had much of a special relationship, but in the interest of cooperation, we're now considering sharing information." Shishikura still looked rather angry, kind of reminded him of Katsuki. "The motives behind whatever they did to you are still unclear, Utsushmi, so we're hoping that joining forces helps us to paint a more complete picture." [Y/N] was only now realizing just how tall All Might was. Even with his shoes giving him more height, he was still so short compared to him. 

Shishikura and Camie went over to Katsuki, and not surprisingly, Shishikura and Katsuki immediately were on each other's bad sides. Shoto was over by Endeavour, and the kid didn't seem like he was happy that the current number one hero was here.

He was going to talk to Hizashi about finishing the papers for him, but then his phone started to go off. Confused, he handed Hizashi the papers in his hands as he dug through his pocket to get his phone. He immediately became concerned when he saw that it was Giran calling him.

Giran never calls him, he either waits to catch him in person or gets Jin to tell him. He needed to answer this call. "Give me a minute, this is important. From one of the investigators for the Chisaki event." He lied through his teeth as he headed over to an isolated area but still in sight, answering the call and putting the device up to his ear.

A smile came on his face as he spoke. "To whom do I owe the pleasure? You? Calling me? How surprising!" The Kitsune was very dramatic with his hand movements as he spoke to the one on the phone.

He also made sure to not say any names, god knows who is listening. "It's been that long? Well, I apologize for not calling sooner." He could tell Giran definitely had a cigarette before or during the call. 

Though he loved picking on Giran, he was slightly worried. "Is there something you need? I know you didn't just call me because you miss me." Well, maybe he did miss him. I mean, who wouldn't? 

But of course, Giran was ignoring his playfulness. "Are you free?" He asked, not exactly elaborating on what he needed. 

[Y/N] glanced over to the group before looking back at the street. "Right now? No. All Might and Endeavour aren't far from me with my students, two of them anyway." He can't imagine what it'd be like to have Shishikura, Bakugo, Inasa, and Todoroki in the same class. He loved Camie, he would gladly adopt her into U.A.

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