Chapter 31: Falcon Eye

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I ran through the woods with Astrid a few paces behind me with a new axe in her hand. Her previous axe got destroyed when she used it to block an attack from a Singetail. She decided to get a new one a month after the battle. Ravi ran beside me and kept her head low.

I ducked under a tree, Ravi and Astrid did the same when we heard wingbeats flying above us. Ravi's training has been doing really good and she's been learning fast.  We waited a few moments while listening to the wingbeats disappear. Ravi listened for a moment before giving a few clicks with her mouth saying they were gone and we continued through the forest. I strained my ears to listen for any sounds of our hunters. All I could hear was Astrid's and Ravi's footsteps beside me and the wind rustling the trees, no songs from the birds. 

Ravi suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. Her head whipped towards a bush as a Zippleback jumped out and snapped it's jaws at us. Astrid rolled out of the way as one of the heads attempted to grab her. The other head faced me and snapped at me. Ravi jumped in front of me and slashed her tail at it though not stinging the Zippleback. It hissed and backed up just enough for us to make our escape. 

We ducked into the bushes and ran towards the center of the island. We ran until we couldn't hear the Zippleback anymore. My lungs burned from running so much and despite my stab wound being a month old already it still ached when I pushed myself. I leaned against a tree for a moment to catch my breath. 

"You doing alright?" Astrid stepped beside me. 

"Yeah, lets keep going. We are almost there." I pushed off the tree and started walking. 

Ravi walked beside me and scanned the way ahead, staying alert. She started chittering and I could see why when red-ish wings brushed over top of the trees. Astrid grabbed my arm and pulled me into an opening under a few large rocks. 

We quickly squeezed under the rocks and I did a circling motion with my fingers to Ravi. She looked at me then took off in the direct we were heading. I heard wingbeats then a thud as the dragon landed near by. The Monstrous Nightmare sniffed around the area and stopped in front of the rocks we were under. I could see their claws from under the rocks and I held my breath. It sniffed the grass and inched closer to us before I heard Ravi roar in the distance. The Monstrous Nightmare growled and dashed after her. 

"Thor, that was close." I crawled out from under the rocks and whispered to Astrid. 

"Yeah, Ravi is getting pretty good at helping us with stealth missions." Astrid did the same and I offered my hand to help her up. 

She took it and we started walking again. We picked up the pace when we saw Stormfly and Navjeev inside a cave. I heard the Monstrous Nightmare roar behind us and we broke into a sprint towards the cave. I could hear branches snap behind us as it got closer. 

We were just about to get inside the cave when a dragon jumped out of the bushes to my left and grasped my shoulders in its claws then took me into the air with it. My breathing hitched for a second as I looked down at the trees below me before I looked up at the dragon. 

"You can't just wait by the cave and grab us right before we get there, that's cheating." I glared at the rider, "and don't give me that 'work smarter not harder' crap." 

The dragon turned around and gently dropped me by the cave with the others before landing.

"Astrid never specified for this little training session that we can't wait by the cave." Viggo smirked down at me. 

"Astrid, tell him that's cheating." I gestured over to Viggo with my arms while he got off of Zyran with a smug smile. 

"Expect the unexpected. It was a valid move." She shrugged. 

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