Ch. 13 Parenting Trouble

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Jason walks in through the front door carrying a brown paper bag. Alex, Tyson, Beyonce, and Jay-Z are all gathered in the living room.

JASON: Hey, guys! Guess what? I adopted a kid!

ALEX, TYSON, BEYONCE, and JAY-Z: (in unison) What?!

JASON: Yeah, I was thinking about it, and I thought it would be great to have a little one running around here. But... I didn't really think things through.

TYSON: What do you mean?

JASON: Well, he's been crying non-stop, and I don't know how to change a diaper, and he keeps spitting up on me.

BEYONCE: You know there are tutorials on YouTube, right?

JASON: Yeah, but they make it look so easy!

ALEX: Jason, you can't just give up on being a dad.

JASON: I know, I know, but it's just... harder than I thought.

JAY-Z: Maybe we can help you out. We could take turns babysitting, show you the ropes.

TYSON: Yeah, we're all in this together.

JASON: (sighs) Okay, you're right. I'll give it another shot.



Jason is seen holding a crying baby while trying to change a diaper. Tyson, Beyonce, Alex, and Jay-Z are all standing around him, offering advice.

JASON: I don't understand what I'm doing wrong! I followed the tutorial step by step!

ALEX: Maybe he's hungry.

TYSON: Or tired.

BEYONCE: Or needs a diaper change.

JAY-Z: (sarcastically) Wow, thanks for the help, guys.

Just then, there's a knock on the door. Jason puts the baby down and answers it. It's a social worker.

SOCIAL WORKER: Mr. Statham, we've received a report that you're not fit to be a parent.

JASON: What? Who would report that?

SOCIAL WORKER: (looking at the others) Perhaps someone who recognizes you from your previous life.

BEYONCE: Oh no...

ALEX: We have to do something.

TYSON: Yeah, we can't let them take the baby away.

JAY-Z: I have an idea. Let's show them how good of a dad Jason can be.



The social worker is seen sitting on the couch, watching as Jason plays with the baby, while the others cheer him on.

JASON: Look, I can do it! I can be a good dad!

SOCIAL WORKER: (smiling) It looks like you have a lot of support here. We'll give you another chance, Mr. Statham.

JASON: (relieved) Thank you.

After the social worker leaves, the group is seen celebrating with drinks and laughter.

BEYONCE: See, Jason? You're not as bad of a dad as you thought.

JASON: (smiling) Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without you.

The group all raises their glasses and cheers.


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