Ch. 14 Lost

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The gang is gathered around a table at their local bar, all except for Jason, who is sitting alone at the bar looking miserable.

Beyonce: "What's up with Jason? He looks like he's lost his best friend."

Tyson: "He did lose his best friend. He lost the kid he was supposed to be taking care of."

Alex: "Oh no, poor Jason. We need to cheer him up."

Beyonce: "I have an idea. Let's buy him drink after drink until he forgets all about the kid."

Tyson: "That's a terrible idea, Beyonce."

Alex: "No, it's a great idea! Jason needs to forget about that kid and move on. Let's do it!"

Beyonce: "I knew you'd see it my way."

Cut to a montage of the group buying Jason drink after drink, playing silly drinking games, and having a great time. Jason starts to loosen up and forget about his problems.

Cut to a few hours later, Jason is completely wasted and the group is still going strong.

Tyson: "Okay, okay, okay. We have to slow down. Jason is totally hammered."

Alex: "No way! We're having too much fun."

Beyonce: "I have an idea. Let's play 'Truth or Dare'."

Tyson: "Beyonce, that's a terrible idea."

Beyonce: "Oh, come on. It'll be fun."

They start playing "Truth or Dare," and it quickly devolves into chaos. Jason ends up dancing on the table, Alex and Tyson are making out in the corner, and Beyonce is singing karaoke.

Suddenly, the lights turn on, and the bartender announces that the bar is closing.

Bartender: "Okay, guys, it's time to go home. You've had enough."

The group stumbles out of the bar, still giggling and having a great time.

As they walk down the street, Jason suddenly stops in his tracks.

Jason: "Oh no! I lost the kid!"

Beyonce: "Oh, Jason, forget about the kid. We'll find him in the morning. Let's just enjoy the rest of the night."

The group continues walking down the street, arm in arm, laughing and singing at the top of their lungs.


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