Ch. 22 When All is Lost...

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Beyonce and Jay-Z are packing their bags, clearly ready to leave the apartment. Jason, Alex, and Tyson are all sitting on the couch looking dejected.

JASON: (to Beyonce and Jay-Z) Please, guys, don't go.

BEYONCE: (sighing) We just feel like we don't belong here anymore. We're not like you guys.

TYSON: What are you talking about? We love having you here.

JAY-Z: It's not just that. It's just...we need something more.

ALEX: (skeptical) More than what? We've been through everything together. The good, the bad, and the weird.

BEYONCE: (hesitant) It's just that...we need romance.

JASON: (confused) What do you mean?

BEYONCE: (determined) We need someone to sweep us off our feet. To make us feel special.

TYSON: (smiling) I think I have an idea.




Beyonce and Jay-Z are sitting on a bench, looking bored. Suddenly, a marching band appears, playing a romantic tune. Jason, Alex, and Tyson are dressed in tuxedos, holding flowers.

JASON: (holding out a flower to Beyonce) My dearest Beyonce, will you do me the honor of being my date to the prom?

BEYONCE: (laughing) What prom?

ALEX: (smiling) The prom of life, Beyonce. And I would be honored to take you as my date.

TYSON: (holding out a flower to Jay-Z) And as for you, Jay-Z, will you be my queen and reign by my side forever?

JAY-Z: (grinning) I don't know, Tyson. It sounds like a lot of responsibility.

TYSON: (laughing) Don't worry, I'll handle it.

Beyonce and Jay-Z look at each other and burst out laughing. The marching band stops playing and Jason, Alex, and Tyson look crestfallen.

BEYONCE: (smiling) Guys, we appreciate the effort, but we don't need a grand gesture to feel special.

JAY-Z: (nodding) We're happy just being here with you.

JASON: (smiling) Yeah, we're a family. And nothing can change that.

The group shares a group hug, as the marching band plays a cheerful tune.


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