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     Thranduil and his father led the way at the end, standing alone, and not listening to any orders from Gil Galad

"It ends today, Thranduil. Whether we win or not, we will go home" Those were Oropher's last words before he led his troops forward

"Oropher! Don't be stupid!" Gil Galad screamed, but he didn't listen.

"Adar!" Thranduil shouted

"Stay right there! Feren protect my son!" Oropher shouted back at him Thranduil couldn't do anything, because he was ordered by the king, like it or not he had to obey him.

In a split second, everyone could see Eryn Gallen's army being beaten up by the orcs, or even thrown by Sauron and burned by him.

Thranduil panicked "ADAR!!!" No answer. Thranduil wanted to chase his father there, but he was stopped by an army of disgusting orcs who kept on attacking them.

"ADAR!" Thranduil screamed desperately.

"My prince, stay with me" Feren remained attached to Thranduil.

And that's when they all saw Gil Galad turn to ashes in the hands of Sauron.

And swiftly Feren pulled Thranduil close to him "Stay close to me, my prince" He said

"Where's my father?!" Thranduil panicked

"Lord Feren! The army led by King Oropher has all fallen. There are no survivors!" Gallion shouted

All Sindarin elves looked at Thranduil with shocked, hopeful and sad faces.

Feren was silent for a moment, and he said "THE KING IS DEATH! LONG LIVE THE KING!" He shouted

"King Thranduil, lead us. We will follow all your orders"

At that moment, Thranduil was appointed King. On the battlefield, the young prince, who had just grieved the loss of his father, was made king. Instead of a luxurious and glorious coronation that he got, but a coronation that was full of sorrow, blood and death. That fact was like grabbing Thranduil with force.

He closed his eyes and with a breath he shouted "FOLLOW ME FOR THE LAST TIME!" And with that he led the remaining troops with him as a new king.


   The war ended, the Noldorians lost their king, Gondor lost their king, and he lost his king and father. The Ring was not destroyed, they believed Sauron had been defeated, they believed they had won. But no, they did not win, Sauron did not lose. They only slow down the destruction, and they will create bigger wars than this.

Thranduil stood amidst the corpses of his kindred, his face covered in blood, his clothes dirty, his eyes reflecting sorrow.

"You promised we'd go home together. Why did you leave me?" Thranduil whispered, holding back tears.

That day, in Dargolad, the young king was grieving. And that very day, the young king swore to break off his friendship with Gondor and return home with the rest of his people

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