April 29th - Japan with David

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

[Y/N's POV]

David had the brilliant idea of taking me touring with him, but it just so happened that it was a world tour. Not just the tour of Europe that I had expected it to be. So, here we were, in the middle of Tokyo, me not having a single clue as to what we were supposed to be doing and David was so utterly stoned, he didn't know where we were. The planning directors had told us to navigate our way to some random hotel but finding anything through the barrages of people seemed practically impossible. 

Eventually, with no input from David whatsoever, I found the hotel and we were all checked in. I miraculously tempted David into the elevator and into the room where he did nothing but sleep and whine for two hours. After this episode of taking far too much cocaine, he promised me that he wouldn't take any more while we were on the tour. I will admit, his drug intake upset me but I couldn't do anything about it because he wouldn't listen.

"Let's get you ready to go out and about." I huffed, heaving myself up off of the dreadfully uncomfortable floor. David, now clear-headed, walked towards his 'wardrobe' which was his two huge suitcases stood up with the flap open and picked out the most pleasing outfit to go wandering through the streets of Tokyo. I picked out an outfit that both David and I liked the look of and got ready to explore. 

We walked arm in arm through the busy Japanese streets, waving to any fans that we passed, David signing several autographs as we went. We found ourselves in a tranquil park, embraced by clusters of cherry trees, adorned with blushes of blossom. "You'd look beautiful with one of these in your hair." David mused, keeping his arm looped with mine. He didn't touch the flowers though, respecting their natural place. 

I planted a sweet kiss on his jawline as we progressed further through the city. We found a lovely restaurant where we stopped for lunch. David didn't eat much... He never did on days he took cocaine. I didn't eat too much as I was nervous. We drank some tea and continued on our way, returning to the hotel so David could get ready for his gig that evening. After we got back into the room, David was curled up on the bed, stressing immensely. 

"Hey, just breathe sweetheart. It's all going to be okay; I'll be there the whole time for moral support." I breathed, placing both of my hands on his knees. He let out a shaky breath, looking at me from behind his legs, his eyes searching mine for something. 
"I love you." He muttered, his words getting caught in his sharp breaths. I pulled him into an embrace, trying my hardest to comfort him when he was this fragile. 

I dealt with this every day during the tour. His highs when he was too high to even remember my name and the bottomless lows as the cocaine withdrawal hit. Granted, his moods were turbulent but I could deal with it. It wasn't as if I hadn't done so beforehand. "I have to get ready." David squeaked, shuffling over to the ridiculously small vanity against the wall. I followed after him, make-up brushes and hair products in hand. 

I helped him sort his hair out and choose a fitting yet daring outfit for tonight's show. It had to embody the Thin White Duke but I also wanted him to embrace a little bit of Ziggy. However, he was dead set on 'flashing no colour' as he put it, so I was left to add pink-tinted sunglasses and that was as far as I was allowed to go. 


"You did so well my love!!" I beamed, jumping into his arms. He laughed a hearty laugh, a sound I had missed so dearly since his cocaine usage. He picked me up and twirled us around in a circle, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
"Thank you, my love." He beamed, setting me down on the floor gently. I linked my arm with his as we were escorted back to the hotel. 

The night was filled with laughter and jokes between David and me, us going back and forth over how many times he would comment on how uncomfortable the bed was or how he was bored of watching the ceiling fan go round and round. It was blissful because, for those few hours, I had my David back. The David I fell in love with all those years ago. 

After a while, David became invested in his newspaper, leaving me to admire his figure in the yellowish light of the lamp. His hair remained as perfect as always but his shirt was unbuttoned and his cross necklace hung limply around his neck. He was the embodiment of perfect to me. His entire being was just stunning.  

"Good night love..." I mumbled, sliding into the bed next to him. I was dreadfully tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. He caressed my cheek with his thumb and planted a tender kiss on my forehead.
"Good night angel." He replied, dimming the lamp so I could at least sleep relatively undisturbed.

Times like these were the things that made me love living with David and being with him for every step of his perilous yet exciting journey. 

David Bowie x Y/N imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें