My Precious Darling

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David promised that this weekend we would go to our favourite bookshop and coffee shop to relax after a hard week at university

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David promised that this weekend we would go to our favourite bookshop and coffee shop to relax after a hard week at university. We were both art students who had fallen for each other whilst doing group-assigned portraiture. We were paired together, me painting him and vice versa. It wasn't until a few weeks after the assignment was handed in that David confessed to me then we went on our first date to these shops. 

"Hello, my angel," David beamed, wrapping his arms around my waist in an embrace. I kissed him lightly, my forehead touching his. I stood back to admire what he was wearing as I always found his fashion choices to be rather interesting. He was wearing a high-neck jacket, buttoned all the way up so I couldn't see his shirt and pinstripe trousers. He wore black, ankle-height boots with a noticeable heel too, making him even taller than me. 

"You look amazing as always my dear," I commented, earning a satisfied smile and laugh from him. I was wearing something rather plain. A sage green dress that fell just above my ankles with a pair of brown flats. My hair fell oddly over my eyes due to the beret I was wearing but I simply brushed it behind my ear. 
"You too look amazing love," David replied, taking a few steps in our desired direction. I slid to his side, linking my arm with his as we walked.

The bookshop was adorned with lilac wisteria drooping from the awning, creating a sweet little entrance to the place. We stepped inside, the smell of old books filling the air. It was dusty and dim inside the shop but David and I found it rather cosy. I drifted over to the furthest shelf and scanned the book spines for any alluring titles. David stuck close to me, scanning the same spines just in case he saw any that appealed to him.

"Anything interesting darling?" I queried, leafing through a book about fungi. He nodded, presenting to me a book of victorian illustrations. I let out an awe-stricken sigh, knowing that I wanted to buy so many books but my money was limited to one. I brought the book about fungi to the counter and presented my change to the cashier. He took it, examining the book. "Ah, this is a good choice!" The man mused, placing the book in a little bag. I smiled, taking it off of him.

David bought the book with victorian illustrations, placing it inside the leather satchel that hung over his shoulder. We left the shop with a smile and a wave to the little old man and set about the journey to the coffee shop. It was only a five-minute walk but we were savouring the spring air. "This is lovely." I sighed, taking David's hand. He looked at me adoringly and smiled, closing his eyes.

We found a quiet table outside of the coffee shop, wanting to embrace the good weather before the rain came. It always did after the nice spells. The joys of England... David and I ordered our drinks of choice and sat around the ornate table. It was painted a gaudy pink, topped with a little pot of roses. It was so utterly cliché but I found it cute. David and I spoke about our next group assignment for art, more portraiture but this time we had full control. We were allowed to do full-body paintings rather than just faces. 

"Yes, I know that you want to do a full-body piece of me, love, but I don't want everybody seeing that..." I groaned, my self-consciousness kicking in. He smiled softly, respecting my wishes. 
"Just think, it would be thousands of times worse if I were to paint you like a french girl." David chuckled, playing with my fingers. I giggled, not expecting the comment. 
"Yes, I suppose it would... You can do a full body if you want, but just be accurate." I asked, knowing he would respect that.

He nodded, a bright smile illuminating his face. We drained the remainder of our drinks and strolled to the tree where David and I shared our first kiss. I felt the butterflies in my stomach rise like they did every time I thought about that kiss and how tender it was. We stopped at the base of the great oak, David's hands resting on my arms. He pulled me into a kiss, much like our first, making my heart flutter violently in my chest. I gasped for air as he pulled away for a moment to catch his breath. 

I hugged him and pressed a light kiss to his cheek before realising the time. "David darling, I promised my mum that I'd babysit Raia while she and my dad are out. I'm sorry hun..." I sighed, turning to face the front of my house. He nodded, understanding my predicament. He kissed me again and sent me on my way. 

"Mum, Dad, I'm home!" I called, wiping my shoes by the door. My mother greeted me warmly, kissing my cheek and handing me the baby. 
"How's David?" My mum asked, tending to the stove. It was unusual for her to ask about David because she thought we were only friends.
"Yeah, he was alright..." I replied gingerly, not wanting her to know about David and me just yet.

"Oh yeah? How did his lips taste then Y/N?" She asked, turning to face me. My jaw dropped as she said this, realising David and I had literally just snogged right outside of my kitchen window. 
"Mum... I can explain. David and I have been dating for a few months now and I didn't say anything because-" I began, only to be interrupted.
"Cut the shit. I knew you were dating him and you said nothing because I know you and you know full well that I don't like the kid." My mother snapped uncharacteristically. 

"Helen. Please calm down... She's a teenager for God's sake. Let her have a boyfriend, it's all part of growing up." My dad sighed, taking baby Raia from my arms.
"Well then Roger, if you're okay with it, why don't you watch her exchange saliva with him next time." My mother retorted, throwing her hands in the air. I was positively gobsmacked. I hadn't the slightest clue what was going on and I was more confused as to why my mother had such an aversion to David.

"Mum... What's wrong with David?" I asked, genuinely curious. She shot me a glare as if I was magically supposed to know why without her ever having expressed any dislike towards him.
"Well Y/N, he's constantly hanging around with you, undressing you with his eyes. He's a pretentious asshole and he's just blatantly stuck up and I don't like it." My mother huffed, overly irate. 
"MUM, HE'S HANGING AROUND WITH ME BECAUSE HE LOVES ME. Not once has he ever 'undressed me with his eyes', if we're using your terms. He is far from pretentious and to be frank if you don't like him because you think he's stuck up, you're just being pathetic." I yelled, walking out of the door. 
"OH, AND YOU CAN FORGET ME BABYSITTING!" I called, halfway across the road. 

I sighed, knocking on David's door. He opened it, surprised to see me standing there with tears rolling down my cheeks. "What's wrong my precious darling?" He asked, brushing the tears away from my eyes. I explained the situation to him between voice breaks, hoping he would understand. He did and that's when I knew for sure that he loved me and that it was all going to be okay.

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