The Jean Genie

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She love him, she love him but just for a short while, she'll scratch in the sand, won't let go of his hand


(BY THE WAY: h/c means hair colour, h/l means hair length, e/c means eye colour and s/c means skin colour!)

She was fucking attached to him... Nothing in their relationship looked as though he loved her. Maybe I was being too jealous. I was painfully jealous because she was a groupie and I never liked groupies, just because I never really got the hype. I was to sit silently on the sideline as the man I loved exchanged saliva with some random girl. 

I sounded so petty because it was petty. I knew I had no chance and she just got there before I did, but something deep inside of me wanted her gone. There was no way she'd be with him for long. Groupies never stayed with the same celebrity for over a month because it just got boring.  I doubt David would want to keep her on for too long either, considering the masses of publicity that came with it. Everything was dramatic and far too much hassle for a big-time rockstar like himself.

"Y/N, you're obsessing over it-" My best friend warned, seeing the state I was in. I sighed, knowing full well that they were right. 
"I know... I just can't help thinking how I wanted so badly for that to be me..." I huffed, folding my arms. My friend rolled their eyes and patted me on the shoulder, walking away.


[David's POV]

I was strolling down the high road in London, one of the many high streets, I know, when I caught the eye of a stunning young lady. She had beautiful h/l, h/c hair, and her e/c eyes sparkling in the springtime sunlight. The sun caressed her s/c skin, making it glow. She was gorgeous and I felt I had to go and speak to her. I had to get to know her and maybe even get a telephone number. 


I was sitting in the café, gazing aimlessly out of the window, when I caught the eye of a man I knew all too well. David Bowie. He looked as beautiful as ever, his bright hair illuminated by the warm yellow light of the sun. He crossed the way, towards the coffee shop, a grin plastered on his face. He stepped inside, wiping his feet on the doormat and made his way over to me, much to my surprise. 

"Hello, darling~ And what might your name be?" He drawled, his accent like honey to my ears. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as he spoke. He sat beside me, thin hands resting on his knees.
"Good Morning! I'm Y/N, how are you?" I replied, not wanting to sound awkward. He smiled at me, a flash of a thought crossing his face and then left as if he had thought better of it. 

"I must say, you are absolutely gorgeous if you'll excuse my rashness. Absolutely radiant." He chuckled, making me blush even more. Not once did I ever think I'd be having this conversation with him, given the way I felt about his last relationship six months ago. I was talking to him by absolute chance. I hadn't gone out of my way to find him because he had found me. I didn't even realise he was still in the country, I thought he was in New York...

"Why, thank you, you're not too bad yourself," I replied playfully, winking at him. I was god-awfully cheesy but I didn't care, I was too busy trying not to spontaneously combust even at the sight of him. I thought I was doing pretty well. 
"I am so sorry, I have to dash but, here, take my telephone number and call me, I'll remember that accent anytime!" I sighed, writing the number down on a napkin and handing it to him, my fingers brushing lightly against his palm as I did so. 

"Sure thing, darling. Catch you later." He smiled, waving sweetly at me as I left. Fucking work, making me leave the man I have loved for years just to go and punch a bunch of numbers into a spreadsheet that nobody's going to look at. All I could do now was wait for that phone call. 

[I'm going to stop this one here and make a part 2 solely based on the phone call; the whole part will be the phone call with very minimal background context/story because I think that deserves its own part :3]

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