Rebel Rebel

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You like me and I like it all, we like dancing and we look divine, you love bands when they're playing hard, you want more and you want it fast, they put you down, they say I'm wrong, you tacky thing, you put them on.


[David and you are both 19/20 in this one so you're younger :3]

David was already at my front door, frantically ringing the doorbell. My mother opened it, calling me from the bottom of the stairs. I took the steps two at a time on my way down, tripping and falling into David's arms at the end of the staircase.
"Enjoy your trip, love?" He chuckled, hoisting me up. I snorted a laugh and turned to head back upstairs to finish my makeup. 

David followed me, his hand still in mine as I dragged him to my room, him plopping down on my bed as I resumed my place in front of the small vanity in the corner of my room. 
"What look are you going for?" David queried, peering at me from the corner of the mirror. I smiled, still concentrating on getting my eyeliner perfect. 

"Something a little punky but nothing too rebellious... I want it to look edgy but not like I'm making a huge arse statement out of it, y'know?" I responded, rooting through a makeup bag, looking for a tube of mascara. I huffed in annoyance when I couldn't find it, my hands falling firmly at my hips. 

"Got it!" David exclaimed, heaving himself out from under my bed. He handed me the tube of mascara and resumed his place on the bed, chuckling slightly to himself.
"What's so funny?" I laughed, my excitement getting the better of me. I placed the mascara carefully back in the bag, a tube of lipstick now in my hand. 

I applied it carefully, waiting for David's response. "You just amaze me, Y/N, you really do, and I just don't know why." He replied, letting out a pleased sigh. I looked at myself in the small mirror for a moment, pleased with the job I had done on my look. 

David and I left my house with a wave and flagged down a passing taxi so we could get to the nightclub a little quicker than we would have done if we had chosen to walk. We laughed the whole way there, my hand wrapped around his. We thanked the driver, David handing him a fistful of cash and we trotted excitedly into the club. 

"You know what, Y/N? We like dancing and we look divine doing it! You like bands when they're playing hard, you want more and you want it fast and by God will you get it!" David chirped, his arm falling around my shoulder as we danced. I laughed heartily at his enthusiasm, the smell of alcohol lingering around us both. 

We had already had far too much to drink but we didn't care, we were having a blast and we were going to carry on until we couldn't anymore. We'd go until we collapsed, as far as we were concerned. 
"I love you so much, David!" I shouted, over the loud, pounding music. He let out a sweet laugh in response, his boyish energy emanating from his being. He took both of my hands in his and we spun in circles, us giggling like little kids. It was a feeling I didn't realise I had missed so much until I was there in the moment. 

David looked a little dejected when we stopped laughing, probably realising that we were all grown up and we weren't kids anymore, just like I had just come to terms with. We still danced, making the most of the youthful moment, our tears brimming in our eyes. I was the first to break into tears, a half laugh-half sob breaking in my throat, making a rather unpleasant sound. Then, David, had tears sliding down his face, and him pulling me in close to his chest. 

"Promise we won't forget the days like these when we're old... They're far too fun to ever forget." He whispered, kissing the top of my head. I nodded, and another sob broke in my chest. It seemed silly to cry over something as simple as growing older. We were tired of dancing now and thought it a good idea to head home after drinking far too much to think rationally. 

We departed at my door with a long kiss, me wiping the tears from my eyes and planting a sweet kiss on David's nose. I closed the door with a sigh and I retreated to my room to recover from the alcohol and crying.

[There you go, a longer chapter to make up for the horrendously bad last one :3]

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