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Still don't know what I was waiting for, and my time was running wild, a million dead-end streets, and every time I thought I'd got it made, it seemed the taste was not so sweet.


I had always felt empty inside doing my day job, the monotonous clicking of a keyboard and the infuriating sound of a mouse clicking drove me insane, day after day. I had always had a passion for music and I had always had dreams of pursuing it as a career so, at the ripe old age of 26 (yes I know... I'd been working at that company since I was 16) I decided to go for it.

I packed my suitcases and decided to move to New York. I was sick of the mundane life I'd been living in England and it was time for a change. I bought a small apartment and started performing in little bars and nightclubs, hoping someone would like my music. 

It took years for it to gain any ground but eventually, I was signed by a record company and I was playing gigs across the US, I was now back in England, playing shows as a support act for a man I had admired for years. David Bowie. I was nervous but from a personal point of view, not a professional one. 

"You must be Y/N, I've heard a lot of your stuff and I really like it. You've got a real talent for it. I'm David, obviously, but, uh, yeah, go for it, you're going to smash it." David babbled, obviously nervous himself. I took a deep breath and walked out onto the huge stage, a roar of cheers surging through the stadium. 

I played my setlist, my heart swelling with warmth as the chorus of fans sang my songs, knowing all of the lyrics. I had never once thought that I would ever be able to do this and now that I was, it still felt unreal. I didn't know what I was waiting for, my time was running wild and I had come across thousands of dead-end streets in terms of my career and every time I thought I had got it made, I was wrong. I had finally found what I was looking for.

After the show, I heard a knock on my dressing room door, quite strange, considering the guards would have stopped them. I opened the door, to find David Bowie standing there, smiling at me brightly. "David! come on in, I've got some drinks if you want to help yourself," I said, showing him where they were. I resumed my original place on the couch and looked at him. 

"You did a great job out there this evening." He stated, pouring himself a glass of wine. I breathed a laugh, my fingers tightening around the stem of the glass. 
"Did I? I think you did far better than I did... They loved you!" I replied, swirling the claret liquid around in the glass. 
"I think you did... I quite enjoyed myself. You should be proud of yourself. You've come a long way from what I learnt." He replied, sitting at the opposite end of the couch. 

I scoffed, having had a little too much to drink that evening. "I do apologise, I'm a little bit squiffy." I bluntly said, placing the empty glass on the cabinet beside me. David simply smiled in response, patiently dealing with me. 
"Don't worry, this is nothing. I do want to say this though... You are positively gorgeous and that outfit you were wearing for your show was incredible!" He responded, making a swarm of butterflies erupt in my stomach. 

"I- You what? You think I'm pretty?" I stuttered in disbelief, earning a small chuckle from David.
"Well yes, yes I do. I think you're very pretty and I think I want to kiss you. If that's alright with you, of course." He replied, setting his glass down on the small table on the other side of the couch. My eyes widened at his words, his intent on kissing me made my cheeks burn.

"Yes, that's perfectly alright with me," I replied, scooting across the sofa so I was close to him. He placed his thin hands on my arms and leaned in, his lips meeting mine lightly, my eyes fluttering closed as he pressed them harder into mine, making me gasp, his tongue seeing this as the perfect opportunity to search every inch of my mouth. His tongue had the taste of wine and his saliva mixed with mine made a sickly sweet concoction. 

When he pulled back, he looked into my eyes for a moment, they were glistening with happy tears because I was in love with him. I always had been and now, I knew for sure that I was. I could finally accept that. "Well, Y/N, I think it's safe to say this; I love you. I love you so fucking much and I don't care that we're drunk, I still love you and I have done for ages and I just want you to love me too." He rambled, taking ahold of my hands.

"I love you too David. I really do. More than you could possibly know." I replied, kissing his knuckles. 

"Thank God." 

That's how I managed to turn my life around and fall in love with the love of my life.

[Woo~ 900 words for that one and I did cry a little bit, I don't know why, but I did. We're slowly getting through the song ones and I think we might have them done soon, depending on how fast I write or how bothered I can be, what with stuff I have to do (exams, etc.) but yea, I hope you enjoyed that one!] 

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