The Stars Look Very Different Today

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 You could say that running two shops by yourself is possibly the hardest thing any business owner could ever experience,  but I found it to be quite pleasant

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 You could say that running two shops by yourself is possibly the hardest thing any business owner could ever experience, but I found it to be quite pleasant. Not many people stopped in the flower shop as much as they did the café so it was easier to manage. I hardly ever got new customers and the regulars knew that I had to run two shops and were completely fine with it.

Today was the first day in almost a year that I had gotten a new customer. They were quite tall, 5'10" I would say, they had bright orange hair with strands of gold that shimmered in the yellow sunlight. The premise of having a new customer took me by surprise because it was a rare occurrence.

"Welcome!" I beamed, showing them to an empty table. He nodded and smiled warmly at me whilst taking his seat.
"I'll be back in a few minutes to grab your order," I added, walking off towards any other tables that needed my assistance. The murmurs around the shop created a low buzz, gossip spreading like wildfire.

I stopped at a woman's table, an old lady who regularly stopped by for a coffee. She smiled at me eagerly, leaning in to tell me something.
"Was that Mr David Bowie?" She asked in a hushed voice, looking at me expectantly. I silently nodded, well aware of the ruckus this would cause. She chuckled softly, taking a sip of her drink. I bid her a good day and carried on.

I returned to Mr Bowie's table and pulled out my small notebook. He placed his book down on the table and looked up at me. I produced a pen from my apron pocket and asked him what he wanted.
"I'll have a simple white coffee please." He responded, reaching into his pocket and handing me the required change. I thanked him and set about making his drink.

I hummed quietly to myself as I made his coffee, still astounded that David Bowie was in my quaint little shop in the middle of a side street in London. That's when I heard the little bell of the flower shop door tinkle. I quickly handed David his coffee, placing some sugar on the table next to it and trotted into the flower shop ready for the customer.

"Hiya! Can I help you at all?" I queried, approaching them. They nodded slowly, looking at the assortment of flowers in neat buckets in front of them.
"Yeah, I'm looking for some lilies of the valley and some gypsophila for a bridal bouquet but she also wants some bigger white flowers and I'm not sure what else to put with the lilies and the gypsophila... What do you recommend?" They explained, their eyes falling on some plain white peonies.

"Chrysanthemums, dahlias and peonies all go well with those flowers... Plus, with dahlias, you get a small splash of yellow too, because the pollen is the most visible." I explained, showing them examples of each flower. Eventually, they chose all of the flowers and I arranged them into a suitable bouquet and handed it to them. They thanked me and handed me the money and went on their way.

I returned to the shop and I began to sweep up as it was close to 4 pm, closing time for the café. I kept the flower shop open until 6 pm as sometimes I would get customers later in the evening. As my last customer, David Bowie left, he smiled at me before heading off in the direction of the main street. I sighed to myself thinking that this encounter would be the last.

{Two years later}

The first time David Bowie walked into my shop, I thought it would be the last. However, I was thankfully mistaken. Almost every day for the past two years, he came back, our conversations becoming deeper every time we spoke.

"Good morning Y/N! How are you this morning? Been busy?" David chirped brightly, assuming his now regular place in front of the bar. I half-smiled, wiping a glass dry.
"Not really, you're one of the only people in today," I replied, setting the glass down in the cupboard by my knees.

"I need your help with something... There's this girl that I really like and I want to buy her some flowers but I don't know what her favourite flowers are. Could you maybe show me some of yours and I can try and think if I've ever seen any in her flat?" He asked, setting down his coffee mug on the counter. I nodded in agreement, unlocking the flower shop door.

My heart sank a little when he mentioned this girl because over these two years, I had developed some pretty strong feelings for him and I suppose I was upset that he had found a girl that wasn't me. Despite these feelings, I was happy to help him because this girl obviously meant a lot to him and I wanted to make sure he got what he needed.

I led him in, opening the blinds and windows. I showed him the buckets that contained my favourite flowers; tulips, daffodils, and sunflowers. He looked at them attentively, his eyes resting on burnt orange tulips, some white and orange daffodils and some burgundy sunflowers. I admired his choice as he picked out the flowers, setting them in the vase in front of me so I could arrange them. This girl, whoever she was, was so lucky, not just because David Bowie had just bought her flowers, but because these flowers were gorgeous and smelled divine.

I left him to wander around the shop for a little longer while I tended to the café next door. He poked his head through the door to say goodbye and I waved him off, excited for him to go and give those flowers to his lady friend. I finished my business in the café and slipped back into the flower shop, ready to receive my latest shipping of flowers that was meant to arrive from Amsterdam today.

On the counter, I saw the bunch of flowers David had selected still in the vase but this time it had a small note attached to it. I picked up the paper and flipped it over as my name was scribed on it. It read:


Surprise! I don't suppose you were expecting this... But, I just wanted to give you these because I really do like you and I think, after two years, that it's safe to say that these feelings aren't going to go away. Maybe next time I see you, I can buy you a drink or something? Anyway, these flowers are beautiful, which suits a gorgeous woman like yourself.

Love, David <3

I was slightly dumbfounded when I read that note because everything I had dreamed of was now on paper in front of me and I let out a little cry of joy and bought the vase through to the coffee shop. I stood it proudly on the countertop, the mixed fragrances of the blooms creating a sweet smell in the building.

The next day, David wandered in, a blush and a smile on his face. I myself was blushing too, not knowing how to address the situation.
"Ah, you got my flowers! I know, the cover story was shit but, all that aside, how are you?" He chimed, resting his chin in his hands. I smirked at him, letting him know I was alright. He sighed a sigh of relief and placed his hat on the counter.

"Honestly, David, I never knew you even had these feelings for me. If I had, I would have made mine far more obvious!" I chuckled, subtly telling him that I felt the same way. When that sank in, he leaned over the countertop and pressed a kiss to my cheek, making me gasp in surprise.

"Wow... I was not expecting that one... I mean, I'm not complaining but it did catch me by surprise." I stuttered, secretly wanting him to kiss me again. And, almost as if he could read my mind, he did.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? I know this is really random and out of the blue but I know we feel the same." He whispered, causing me to blush violently.

Unable to form a coherent sentence, I nodded, earning a small kiss on the cheek from David and a sweet, teenage giggle from me. Although this was inevitable, I felt it was fate that had brought David and me together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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