What the fuck have I done?

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Standing on the edge of something dark and sinister, beckoning me into its depths

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Standing on the edge of something dark and sinister, beckoning me into its depths. Whispering. Maybe I was hallucinating but I felt myself fall forward, legs drifting into nothing.

I awoke with a start, hair clinging to my face with sweat. I sat up slowly, attempting to avoid the black headrush that would swarm my mind if I sat up any faster. Another cryptic dream that ended in my dissolving into nothingness and leaving me to float around in the eternal abyss.

"You good?" A voice croaked, unknown to me, or at least I didn't remember who he was. The voice was a shock, considering I had no recollection of the night prior. I looked at his sprawled-out figure, facial features accentuated by the yellow light piercing through the gap in the curtains. He smirked at me, probably aware of the fact that I had not the slightest clue as to who he was or why he was in my bed.

"Sorry... I have no idea who you are." I mumbled, standing up. I wasn't wearing my own clothes either. I was standing in my bedroom in a white shirt, no bra and my panties. Not to mention the random guy in my bed whose identity I was just about to realise. The shirt was obviously his, my thoughts being thrown around my brain whilst it jumped to exaggerated conclusions. 

Yeah, I probably had slept with him but who knows how that went down. He was leaning back on his elbows now, possibly reliving whatever happened last night. 

The last thing I remember doing was kneeling down, head against a table, snorting lines of coke (cocaine) with the mystery man, whose name was still lost to me. I had drunk far too much alcohol, shots and whatnot for hours. The joyousness of breaking up with a douche, I suppose.

"David. David Bowie." He murmured, eyes still scanning my scantily clad body. I found a robe and tied it around myself, making me a little less self-conscious. I turned to face him, wanting to find out a little more about the situation.
"Right. Well. That's a shock... So... David, what happened last night? I queried, perching on the end of the bed. He chuckled, the only person in any way amused by this situation.

"Well, in short, and simple terms, you came up to me, slated on what smelt like a mix of tequila and vodka and kind of threw yourself on me. We did coke, supplied by Debbie Harry, God bless her heart, and then we got a taxi back to your place. We were stoned and then we may or may not have slept together. Don't panic, we were safe." He explained, sitting up next to me. 

I sighed, so incredibly embarrassed. I'd hooked up with David fucking Bowie because I was sour over some shitty break-up that really, in the long run, meant nothing. In honest terms, I really was pathetic.

I was utterly dumbstruck, my thoughts a tangled web in my brain. I felt awful, not knowing how to come to terms with the whole situation. Reminder to future me: 1, don't date assholes, 2, don't drink excessive amounts of alcohol, and 3, don't do drugs. It obviously doesn't end very well...

"Hey, I know this is hard... I know you feel bad but I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your company." David explained, his arm resting around my neck and shoulders. I was comfortable, knowing he wasn't necessarily screwing me over. Unlike someone. 

"Thank you... I'm sorry I bore myself on you like that. I had a real shitty evening." I apologised, turning to face him. He didn't say anything but simply smiled, his arm falling to his side. 'No.' I told myself, instructing myself not to fall for David Bowie because we screwed on a whim last night.

"Thank God for curtains," I thought to myself, blood turning my cheeks a rosy pink. Obviously, the curtains weren't enough to obscure my reddish hue. He laughed, standing up and stretching. In my head, I was begging him not to open the curtains, but that was futile, bright light spilling into the room. 

"Oh... well that's a sight and a half," David muttered, eyes falling to my crimson cheeks. I groaned, burying my head into the duvet. All I wanted then was for God to just reach down and smite me. At least that would have been less painful.
"You look good in red." David laughed, patting me firmly on the back. I let out a cry, hoping I would wake up from this fucking nightmare now...

"You're quite something..." He commented, standing beside the window in nothing but his underwear. I nodded, my hair falling over my eyes. Shit. This was not supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to happen. Yeah, he was an attractive guy but my stupid ass fell for him because he was nice to me. 

That's why I got with my last ex. Because he helped me through the break-up before that. It would seem as though I fell for guys that are nice to me... It's shallow by fuck is it true. It was the same for Jones. I went and fucked it up, just like I do every time. It's the main reason why I can't withstand a decent relationship and I wasn't going to sabotage myself by trying anything with David because outside of the media and our little one-night stand, I didn't know what he was like. All we did was hook up. Just leave it.

"Look, you're an attractive girl, but I fucked up big time. My wife is probably wondering where I am." David coughed, hastily dressing. Wife. He said wife. He was married. Oh my fucking God, he was in a serious, committed relationship. That's when my world came tumbling down. I felt nothing more than a spec of dirt at that moment, all feelings burnt to ashes and carried away in the winds of time. 

How on God's sweet, glorious earth could I be so fucking stupid?

[Hiiii Author here,  wrote this in class so sorry if it's shitty... I thought yeah, why not, let's throw in another bit of angsty stuff while I sit on the 10 other drafts that I'm yet to write but I have titles for all of them. EITHER WAY, I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did writing it during Physics and Chemistry lol ;P]

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