Meeting The Parents

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[Just ignore the fact that this is also the Thin White Duke at this point...]

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

David was nervous

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

David was nervous. We'd only been dating for a few months and today was finally the day that he was to meet my parents. I had convinced him so many times that they were going to love him but he was still worried. 

"Don't worry! Honestly, darling, they will love you! They're mainly going to be proud of the fact that I'm finally in a serious relationship!" I urged, tugging on my coat. He sighed in response, still combing his gelled hair back. He put the comb down and pulled on a jacket and we got in the car. I drove because it was far cheaper to drive rather than getting the train or catching a cab. 

He was wearing a pair of grey dress trousers, a pale blue shirt and a grey jumper. It was classy and comfortable which made him look presentable to my parents. The drive was roughly 45 minutes from Kensington to Beckenham, leaving David some time to calm himself down. I hadn't the slightest clue as to why he was so anxious but that was just him...

We arrived at my childhood home, me pulling into the small driveway and climbing out. I gave David a reassuring hug and knocked on the door. My mother opened it, her face lighting up as she saw David standing awkwardly beside me. I hugged her and she shook his hand, gesturing for us both to come inside. I hadn't been home in so long but nothing had changed. All of the photos were still in the same place on the wall and all of my trophies were still collecting dust on the mantle.

"You must be David! I'm Shirley! We've heard so much about you from Y/N." My mother began, stirring her cup of tea. 
"Do either of you want a cuppa?" She added, holding up two mugs. 
"Yeah, I'll have a coffee please mum! Babe?" I called, asking him quietly. He nodded, asking for a cup of tea. 
"And David will have a cup of tea!" I added, patting his knee. 
"Sterling!" She replied, cheery as ever.

She returned, mugs in hands, divvying them out between us. "So, Mrs Y/L/N, it's a gorgeous house you have here... It reminds me of the one I used to own here in Beckenham in the early 70s and late 60s..." David said coolly, smiling at her. 
"Oh wow... I never knew you owned a house here! Oh, wait! You were with that Angie girl, weren't you? I remember now. And please, call me Shirley!" My mother mused, taking a sip of her drink. I was happy to see that David was having a normal conversation now, letting his barriers down a little.

"You must tell me how you managed to meet my Y/N... She was always so bad at meeting guys. Weren't you sweetheart?" My mother laughed, looking at me lovingly. 
"Yes, yes I was mum," I replied dryly, slightly embarrassed. David laughed, delighted to share the eccentric story.
"I'm not sure how it went really... I just remember waking up next to her and we had obviously hit it off the night before but we worked on it when we both came to our senses and now, five months later, here we are!" He explained, chucking an arm around my shoulders. I sighed, my head drooping. 

"Anyways! Where's dad, mum?" I asked, diverting the subject matter. 
"Oh... yes, he should be back in a minute, he'd gone to the off license but he's been gone for ten minutes..." She replied, her brows knitting together. Just as she said this, the front door clicked shut and my father entered the room. 

"Ah, you must be David! I'm Robert." My father chirped, hanging his coat on the hook. David rose to shake his hand but my father waved his hand away and hugged him instead. 
"We don't really do formalities in this house, son." My dad laughed. My heart throbbed with joy as he lingered on the word 'son'. 

"It's great to meet you both. I was just telling Shirley here about how I met your daughter!" David chuckled, sitting down next to me again.
"And we do not need to repeat that story either, darling," I added, an abrupt laugh leaving my lips. My parents laughed, sitting on the sofa opposite us.

"At least tell me this much, was she dressed appropriately when you guys met?" My dad asked, making me bury my head in my hands. David laughed sheepishly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. 
"I can't remember but it was at a night club and modesty isn't always the top priority there..." he replied, earning an embarrassed groan from me. 
"Casual Y/N..." My dad chortled, looking at me. I simply nodded, too embarrassed to say anything.

"Moving swiftly onwards!" I began, only to be interrupted by my mother.
"How about we get out the old photo album Rob?! I'm sure David would love to see pictures of Y/N as a baby!" She buzzed, gliding over to the glass cabinet.
"Oh, mum! Please no!" I grimaced, knowing I wasn't going to win this battle.
"I for one would absolutely adore seeing these photos, Shirley!" David replied, knowing I would be a mess by the end of this.

The photo exchange was as excruciating as it could have been and I just had to deal with it. On the contrary, however, I was pleased that David was bonding with my parents. He was so worried about nothing and my Dad liked him enough to call him son, so everything was peachy keen. 

"Well, it was lovely meeting you both, thank you for the tea Shirley, it was gorgeous. And Roger, I'll make sure she dresses properly next time!" David smirked, winking at him. 
"It was lovely seeing you both. I love you." I added, hugging them both. 
"Take care, you guys! It was great meeting you David and I can't wait to see you both again!" My mother said, hugging us.
"Nice meeting you son, take care. You too darling, make sure you eat enough!" My father signed off, hugging me and then David. 

We left and trotted back to the car. As we sat down, I laid my head back against the headrest and let out a long groan. "Well, that was exhausting..." I huffed, pulling out of the driveway. We waved at my parents once more before heading home. 
"I thought they were great," David said, laying his hand on my thigh. I smiled, evidently tired.
"They thought you were great! I told you there was nothing to be worried about!" I exclaimed, revelling childishly in my triumph. 

"Sure, sure..." David mocked, pouting at me. I just laughed and focused on the road.


David Bowie x Y/N imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن