Let Me Be Yours

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[You're in a night club and David was performing and he comes up to you after the show looking like this ^^]

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[You're in a night club and David was performing and he comes up to you after the show looking like this ^^]

He was gorgeous. Stunning. Everything about this man made my heart flip in my chest and made my stomach erupt into swarms of butterflies. His voice was smooth like honey, it was warm and soothing and it made my chest throb with a passion unbeknownst to me before tonight. His songs spoke to me with a deeper meaning than any other song had done before and I felt a connection to him. 

'Don't kid yourself Y/N, he'd never notice someone like you... You're a normal-looking girl, nothing interesting' The voices in my head told me, my heart sinking. I drained the rest of my drink, the warm bitter liquid burning my throat on the way down. I put out my cigarette in the ashtray and waited for everybody to leave. It was well past 2 am and I knew I had to go to work in the morning. 

"Thank you so much everyone and have a safe journey home," David Bowie chirped, hopping off of the stage. He waltzed in my direction, much to my surprise.  He staggered slightly as he avoided discarded glasses in the walkways. He was also barefooted, making it a treacherous walk. 
"You look lost love," He stated, fiddling with the presumably fake flowers in the vase. 
"Me?" I queried, still trying to understand why he was talking to me. 

"No... Her." David teased, pointing to the painting behind my head. 
"Of course I'm talking to you, silly." He added, smiling brightly at me. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks but I was okay with it. I wasn't embarrassed. 
"I suppose you could say that..." I sighed. He took one of the flowers out of the container and placed it between his teeth. It made me laugh, because it was ironically romantic, considering I had a hot crush on this man and here he was taunting me with cliché romantic gestures. 

"Ooh-la-la!" I laughed jauntily, enjoying the colloquialism of this encounter. 
"You know, you're absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous. How about, you come home with me for the evening? Oh, yeah, I never got your name either!" He proposed, setting the flower down on the table. The wave of guilt hit me like a boulder as I remembered that I had work at 8. 
"Oh... It's Y/N. Plus, if you help me call off sick from work, I'm all yours," I replied, smirking. He giggled slightly, already preparing what he was going to say. 

"Do it in the morning, silly!" I cheered, my nerves settling. He stood up, offering me his hand.
"Shall we? I might need to find some shoes first though..." He contemplated, setting off in the direction of the stage. I followed, still awestruck as to how this was happening to me of all people.
"Hey, David, do you ever wonder what people call you outside of this one on one conversation? I've always known you as Ziggy Stardust because that's just how magazines and radios refer to you." I said, out of the blue. 
"Not really... I've always kind of referred to myself as Ziggy because it's just a part of who I am now, you know?" He explained, pulling on a pair of flat shoes.

We walked out of the club together, David nodding at the bouncer on the way out. It felt odd to be leaving a night club anything other than alone because I was never lucky enough to catch anybody's eye. We climbed into the back of a car that took us back to David's hotel where we stayed for the night. 

"Hey... Can I do something really quickly? Please don't freak out..." He asked, kneeling in front of me on the double bed. I nodded, not quite sure what he was going to do. 
"Close your eyes." He instructed, myself complying. I felt his lips against mine, his hand travelling to my waist. I didn't hesitate to kiss back, pushing myself deeper into it. When he saw that I was okay with it, he pushed me back onto the mattress, still kissing me but he was now leaning over me. 

"Jesus..." I breathed as he leaned back to catch his breath. He laughed, impressed with himself.
"I was half-convinced that you were going to slap me..." He confessed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. I simply laughed, surprised to hear that he thought that I would give up such an opportunity. 

"Never. That was far too good to miss out on!" I replied, winking at him. 
"Oh ho ho..." He laughed, lips meeting mine once again. I was not in any way adverse to this, considering the fact that I was daydreaming about this moment from the moment he stepped onstage earlier in the evening. It wasn't something I had actually processed that I was doing either. 

We kissed for about 5 minutes, with a few breaks in between to catch our breath. "You're a great kisser, David." I chortled, running my hands through his fluffy red hair. He smirked at me, his heart thudding against his ribs. 
"Let's get some rest... We've got a lot to look forward to tomorrow!" David proposed, turning himself so he was laying vertically, rather than horizontally against me. I did the same, burying my head into the crook of his neck. 


"Shit. David, I have to call in sick to work." I groaned, tapping him on the shoulder. He rose, producing a small piece of paper. 
"Let me... I couldn't sleep so I wrote this note. Don't worry, it'll keep you off of work for today and then you make your excuses from then on out." He replied, smiling sweetly. I handed him the phone, reading the note. 

"Yeah, hello, this is David, I'm Y/N's partner. She can't currently call you because she's not doing so well. We're off to a gynaecologist today as well because she's expecting and the morning sickness is doing a number on her. Sorry!" David explained, weaving this elaborate lie to my boss. He hung up and handed the phone back to me. 

"I'm what now?! David! My boss knows full well that I'm not pregnant!" I said, my voice slightly raised. Cue his god-awful response... 
"I mean... I can change that if you want and then it's believable. Hell, I'll even throw in the deal of actually becoming your partner." He offered, my whole face going deep scarlet. I wasn't going to say that I didn't want it, because I did, so I nodded. 

[A FEW WEEKS LATER - maybe 10 or 12]

Well. Now I actually had an excuse to stay off of work because I was indeed pregnant and my boss was none the wiser. In another 30 or so weeks, David and I will be welcoming our little daughter and I can say that David and I are scheduled to be married. Who would have thought that a night in a club would end in me bearing David Bowie's child and then us being engaged 4 weeks later?

[Now the baby is born and you and David are married.]

"She's beautiful..." David cooed, leaning over my shoulder to look at our daughter. Her name is Iris and her last name is Jones but we all go by Bowie in public. 
"Hey Iris," I whispered, placing a soft, tender kiss on her forehead. She giggled, waving her arms at me. I chuckled, placing her in her cot. 

This was a dream come true and it was far more than I had ever imagined it would be... I felt as though I was the luckiest girl in the world and I was on top of the world.


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