The Laughing Gnome

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are there really any? Like, there isn't but we will try something so please do bear with this one...

Nope. I'm just going to title it 'The Laughing Gnome' and write something random! 


[Y/N's POV]

I had seen this boy at band rehearsals a few times over the past couple of weeks and, boy, he could sing. His voice was like nothing I had ever heard before. As a singer in a fairly mediocre band, I felt put to shame. His band, the King-Bees, were brilliant at what they did and it was all topped off by the brilliant voice of Davie Jones. 

I was far too socially awkward to go and have a conversation with him and, even if I wasn't a complete trainwreck, I doubt he'd ever talk to someone like me. I had heard that 6 girls asked him out on Valentine's day a few years ago and I will admit, I had a crush on him, I mean, who couldn't? 

"Hey, you're Y/N right? You're the singer for 'Y/N and the spacemen' if I'm not mistaken. Our bassist just keeled over backstage and we're on in a few hours... I was wondering if you could play. It's only one or two songs and it wouldn't take you very long... That is if you even play bass..." David stated, leaning against the studio doorframe. I nodded slowly, signalling to my band that I had to head out. They too nodded, understanding the other band's predicament. 

Why he was asking me and not my band's bassist, I'll never know but I wasn't complaining. He looked at me awkwardly, wanting to say something but probably couldn't think of the right words to say it. 
"Sorry, this is so out of the blue... It just happened all at once. You looked like you're great fun and your bassist, no offence, looked a little out of it and I just supposed you knew how to play. Here are the tabs, if it's too much, please do tell me." He rambled, handing me a few scruffy pieces of paper. 

I got to work on practising the lines, making sure not to cock it up. It took me no more than an hour to get a grip of the songs as the basslines were relatively simple with a few hammer-ons and slides which took a little while to get accustomed to.
"Hey, David, I'm all done learning the basslines... They were simple enough." I relayed, the bass hanging around my neck and shoulders. 

"Brilliant! Just in time for final rehearsals." He beamed, taking me through to the big stage. 
"'Liza Jane' first. Then, 'The Laughing Gnome'*. He whispered, walking up to the centre stage. I began to play the bassline to Liza Jane, much to the band's delight. Then came The Laughing Gnome, the harder of the two. I took a deep breath and began to play, hoping nothing would go wrong. 

Thankfully, I played the lines flawlessly, much to my relief. David approached me after the rehearsal and hugged me, thanking me profusely for helping them out. 
"Thank you so much, that was brilliant! You played so well!" He chirped, rocking on his heels. I smiled sweetly in response, happy to give a fellow band some help when things went pear-shaped. 

"Don't worry about it, I'm always happy to help out," I replied, setting off towards the studio to continue my band's rehearsals. 
"Hey, Y/N, stay here for a sec... I want to tell you something." He added, stopping me in my tracks. I turned to face him, standing a few feet away from him. 

He closed the distance between us so he was standing close to me. 
"I really like you, Y/N... I've always seen you at band practice and you always look so beautiful and that's why I was wondering if you'd maybe want to be my girlfriend? You can obviously say no!" He rambled, probably highly embarrassed. I let out a nervous laugh because I had wanted to hear these words secretly for a while.

"David, I would happily be your girlfriend," I responded, hugging him tightly. I felt him relax into the hug, his head resting on top of mine because he was significantly taller than me. 
"Right, I know this is a bummer but I have to get back to Ronnie and the guys because we're on in an hour or two. Catch you later!" I called, trotting off towards the studio. 


"Thank fuck that's over..." I huffed, leaning back in my chair. I closed my eyes, allowing them a little rest. That's when I felt a pair of arms wind around my shoulders, David's eyes meeting mine in my peripheral.
"Well, if it isn't Davie Jones! How are you?" I queried, turning my head to plant a small kiss on his cheek. He smiled brightly at this, kissing me swiftly on the lips before taking a seat beside me.

"I'm alright, just pumped for tonight. It's going to be a big gig." He replied. I chuckled softly, knowing our college's performances were always very full-on and very energetic and that would exhaust us. 


"WOOOO! That was awesome guys!" We all chattered, celebrating our success during the concert. Never before had I felt so pumped after performing but that was probably because I had a boyfriend cheering me on from the sidelines. 
"You were brilliant, beautiful, you did amazing," David whispered, pressing a kiss to my lips. 
"You too were awesome," I replied, hugging him and resting my head on his chest. 

This was something I had dreamed about; having someone I loved and was able to be myself around, without having to change who I was, just to fit in with their expectations of me. David didn't have any such expectations and that's why I loved him. Because he saw me as I was. 

{*- I know TLG was released in '67 but let's just imagine it was a demo for Davie Jones and the King-Bees, for story purposes}

[WOOOO this was amazing, so I am glad that I went with this idea rather than trying to salvage something from the lyrics of 'TLG'.]

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