"Illusion of Time" Ch. 3-1

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Part 3 Name:
Just Soulmates Stuff
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[Scott POV]
I can't believe how fast time goes on, it felt like yesterday when me and Isaac first kissed, but that's almost a year ago, we are starting the final exams for tenth grade, let's say i'm just slightly stressed to say the least, not only because of exams and that stuff, i'm worried of the next school year, after we enter eleventh grade who knows what will happen, not only it means that new people are entering but also that there's only one year left before we start considering college, and that scares me as fuck, what would happen if me and Isaac go to different colleges too far away? Will that change our relationship?

It's maybe TOO soon to discover that out.

[Isaac POV]
Wow, this year sure did change my life, not only i got the best boyfriend in the world, well there have been negative stuff but so far i can't believe my luck.

So anyways, we had our tests, i think Scott got it a little worse than me, but we were fine either way.

[Scott POV | June 30 | Monday]
The summer break started finally, which brings a lot of new oportunities, let's say i'm very hyped about it.

First things first, arrange a beach trip with the gang, search movies releasing soon for cinema visits, search for fun activities to do with Isaac, some things with Monika and Andrew, and probably a few visits to his house for dinner, more now that his brother will visit, Isaac told me he's gonna bring her new girlfriend, that family just can't stop growing right?

Alright so i'll be building an schedule of things i have planned, i know Isaac loves i'm always prepared so i'm doing exactly that.

So my birthday is in a few weeks, so i'll also be planning that, god, it's so much to consider!

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Alright, first plan, i already contacted the whole gang, apparently Hazel and Eli aren't coming since they have family trips, sad, but it was obvious not everyone could go.

We'll be going to that beach that Isaac and i had our first date, because it's the closest and best beach nearby, only 10 minutes on metro, which is not far.

So i went with Isaac to the station, because we live near to eachother and do everything together.

Isaac: "This is going to be fun...!'

Scott: "Definitely, babe."

We were holding hands in public, we got used to it since a time ago, and never found homophobes, lucky us, people usually stumble with a few.

While we were waiting the 10 minutes to that place, i watched how Isaac was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, which was weird, because it was almost 30 degrees outside.

Isaac: "What's wrong? You kinda spaced out, that's my thing."

Scott: "Why you didn't bring a regular t-shirt, you're gonna get overheated in that!'

Isaac: "Oh..."

I had my suspictions that it was his Impostor Syndrome acting again, giving him insecurities about his body.

Scott: "Isaac... You're beautiful, your arms look good, why do you want to cover them up all the time?"

Isaac: "I just don't like how skinny i am..."

Scott: "I swear, no one would ever judge you, i have an extra t-shirt, you could wear it instead!"

Isaac: "Thank you..."

We arrived, just to get a place and wait 5 minutes more until the others arrived.

Jane: "Wooohooo beach time!"

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