Chapter 3

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We head to the party and cringe at the fact the Tonehangers are trying to flirt with young college girls who don't have any sort of interest in them.

Jesse walks over to some girl as I stand near Steven, Brian, and Wes.

I feel one of them staring at me and I see that it's Wes.

"Hm? " I ask as he turns away and whistles like he was never even staring.

"He's practicing for regionals? " Steven says as to attempt to help Wes.

"His gaze on me is really going to be helpful? Damn. We will for sure win then. Steven I'm not that dumb"

"Dammit" Wes says with a smile as Brian chuckles.

"I'mma go check on the other two. They seem lonely" I say as I motion to Donald and Bumper who are standing by themselves.

They say bye to me as I walk over.

"Come on baby bubble wait in line" says Donald, "getting it... Getting it... "

"Getting hoes over here? " I ask as they smirk a little.

"Ah yes and you are our number one baby girl" Bumper says with a wink.

"Not my type"

"I could be though"

"What's your type? " asks Donald.

"Flirts with strong game. Tons of rizz. Can take a girl home and not fuck her right away"

"My rizz is great" says Bumper as I just sigh at the man who just called me baby girl.

"Donald you can call me what ever you want though" I say.

"Thanks baby bubble"

Some girl walks over and Bumper pushes us away so we head to the other  Trebles.

Justin starts up music as some girl grinds away on Donald. Wes and I just watch.

"He's a hoe" I say with a nod.

"Fun indeed. But definitely the type of dude to bed a lot of girls" Wes says.

"What about you? "

"Me? Well I'd say a good hookup is worth it. But of course if I'm single. I'd settle for a normal relationship though. I'm not all 'oh I'mma fuck every girl on campus and have her wet in minutes'. I'm more like 'sure I'm bored we can bang. But if you want more than that I'm also down'"

"So what you are more or less normal for a man? "

"Guess so. What about you missy? " he asks with a grin.

I roll my eyes at the nickname.

"If a guy is not an ass I'd date him. They also got to be willing to respect my boundaries and be respectful to my feelings and my interests" I say as he nods.

He looks like he's taking mental notes which is kinda adorable.

Respect him. Wes is the rizzler tbh.

"Wanna dance? " he asks suddenly as I nod.

We do random dances as the night goes on.

Uni walks over to us and we see he's black out drunk at the moment by his actions.

We get all of the Trebles as we notice this one er Bella? Is sneaking off with Kolio. Wes helps me get the Trebles to either their dorm, aka Jesse, and the rest to the Treble house.

I turn the TV off in the living room and I make sure things look okay before heading out. Or I was going to head out at least.

"Y/n. Hey why don't you just spend the night here? " asks Wes.

"On the couch? " I ask blushing at what he could be implying.

"If you want... Or you and I can share my bed"

So he does have good respect.

"You better be great at cuddles then Hat" I say as he smirks.

"Oh sweetheart. I'm the best"

The Female Treble (Wes/Hat x fem!reader) Where stories live. Discover now