Chapter 5

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3 weeks later

"Uhn uh Bitch, you've been in and out of that bathroom what's the deal?" Monie asked as I sat on her couch.

"I don't know I don't feel so good. I think it's from that restaurant Isaiah and I tried last night." I explained exhausted.

"How late is your cycle." She asked me handing me a glass of water.

"A week but you know it's always irregular..." I sighed.

"Go piss on one of them sticks!" She fussed pushing me into the bathroom.

"Fine I'll go. But I doubt I'm pregnant. I feel like we've been trying for forever and I keep getting negative results!" I fussed back.


"Two fucking lines!" I screamed.

"Ou bitch what I tell you? You're pregnant and I'm gonna be an aunt again!" She danced around the livingroom.

"Oh my God I honestly thought I was not fertile at all. Now im about to have a baby? I'm pissed." I fussed.

"Why? You guys were trying right?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Yes but I expected him to propose before this. I guess I'm just expecting too much." I cried.

"Za'ir you've been doing wifey things for this man since you guys made it official. He knows you're a wife. You're going to get married I promise." She smiled.

"I hope so." I sighed wiping my eyes.


After spending a little more time at Monies I decided to make a doctors appointment. I wasn't going to tell him until I was 100% sure. She had an opening for tomorrow so for today I went to the mall just to pick out some more shoes.

"Za'ir?" A familiar voice spoke as I walked into finish line. Just like I thought it was my mother Sophia.

"Hello." I smiled trying my best not to get emotional or too interested. Everytime I let my guard down she shows me why I should have it up every chance I get. It's from the feeling of being abandoned truthfully.

"How are you I've been thinking about you here lately. I heard your shops are doing amazing." She smiled.

"I'm so sorry but I hav-"

"Mommy who is this lady?" A little girl came from out of nowhere yelled out.

"This is your big sister Za'ir. Za'ir meet Xuriela." My mom introduced us.

"Hey. I have-"

"Let me give you my number just in case you lost it again. I'll put my address and stuff down as well so you can come by and spend time with us. I've missed you so much." She rushed writing everything down on a piece of paper.

I took it and shoved it in my purse. Since things didn't go too well in footlocker I just decided to call it a day and head home before Isaiah and Iceland came home.


Dinner was finally done and surprisingly no one was home yet. I decided not to panic and just eat, clean up and go to bed since I was already settled into my night attire.

After two episodes of the new "YOU" Iceland and Isaiah still weren't home. So I sent him a text.

Me: "Are you guys okay? It's 9pm."

Sai🫶🏾🖤: "yea baby we'll be home soon. I had to figure things out with Lisa. We'll talk about it when we get home."

Me: "okay I love you see you two soon.😘"

Sai🫶🏾🖤: " I love you more."

After about thirty more minutes went by I couldn't hold on any longer so I went to sleep.


"So when were you going to tell me you and Zavier shot my father?!" She yelled. We were outside in my car. I never told her I guess she found out on her own.

"Look, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but I've had a very long day. I'm sorry for picking her up later than usual but I'm working my ass off to provide for her. Please go and get my child." I sighed.

"No I'm not going to get her until I know wassup! You shot her grandfather!" She yelled.

"Look bro I amma choke the shit out of you if you keep saying that. I never once shot your fucking father. I have no beef with the man. The Nigga who done the shit is locked up. Getcho ass outta my car and go get my child!" I snapped.

"I amma get to the bottom of this and when I found out who shot him it's up!" She yelled back.

"Lisa you're not like that. I advise you to sit the fuck down and let karma deal with that. You're not from these streets. Your daddy know wassup shit the whole hood know wassup. Don't start any fucking mess that man has a lot more bullshit on his plate. If I gotta take Iceland away for good I will. You talking crazy. Stay outta shit you have two kids to worry about." I fussed.

"Whatever." She mumbled getting out of the car. Minutes later Iceland came out with a huge grin once she saw me.

"Daddy I'm ready to go home and I'm hungry still. Mommy fed me but I want some more." She yawned.

"Okay baby I'm sure Za'ir cooked for us." I smiled once she was buckled into her seat.

"Yes! I wonder what she cooked." she said dancing in her seat.

"Me too." I agreed backing out of the driveway.

After the long car ride from Lisa's parents place to our place we made it home. I made sure her and I ate dinner, I put the leftovers away, she had her shower and was nicely tucked into bed.

It was my turn to do the same. I quietly tip toed into our bedroom carefully not walking Za'ir up. After my shower and brushing my teeth, I dried off then put my Vaseline on.

"Mm baby?" Za'ir mumbled as I began pulling her closer to me trying to get settled into bed.

"Yes baby?" I smiled smelling her scent.

"Is everything okay?" She asked me.

"Yea we'll talk in the morning get some sleep. I'm sorry I came home so late." I apologized kissing her cheek.

"It's okay baby. I love you goodnight." She mumbled into my chest.

"I love you too."

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