Chapter 21

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It's Friday morning meaning it was time for my meeting with the Sheriff. He owes me a favor or two so I have high hopes he'll do this the east way.

I was in the middle of getting ready then out of nowhere I heard screaming coming from Za'ria's room. I immediately rushed in there to make sure she was fine. We were going to her mothers later and I was not in the mood to hear her panic.

"Za'ria what are you screaming for?" I asked picking her up.

I looked over her to make sure there wasn't anything wrong. She looked completely fine. She had her morning bottle 30 minutes ago so I'm not sure what it was. Eventually I gave up and just let her cry it out.

After ten more minutes of getting ready. Za'ria settled down. I was ready to go. Gathering all of our belongings we were out of the door after about twenty minutes.


"Ria please act decent towards your grandma. She won't mind putting you in time out. 3 weeks or not." I laughed taking her out of the car.

"Ma! I'm here!" I announced once the door was unlocked.

"I'm in my room I'll be down in a minute." She yelled from upstairs.

After five minutes she came down with a smile on her face.

"Good luck baby. I got it from here." She smiled.

"Thanks ma." I smiled back at her.


Since I couldn't find A'mir I asked Ashton to tag along.

"Wassup brotha?" He greeted me.

"Wassup man?" I asked giving him dap.

"You ready for this meeting? You know they say this nigga rough." He explained.

"Ion have a choice but to be." I laughed.


The meeting went over well. The only thing is getting the judge to accept bond. Hopefully the boys will be out sooner than later.

"Yo Monty. Meet me at my house in like 45 minutes." I instructed once he answered the phone.

"Alright I'll be there." He agreed before hanging up.

I pulled into my moms driveway super excited to see my baby girl. She's been on my mind all morning since I dropped her off.

"Where's daddy's baby?" I announced coming into the living room.

"Which one?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

I looked over to my left and it was La'Monica sitting on the couch with Za'ria in her arms.

"Where is my moms?" I asked taking Za'ria from her quickly.

"She ran upstairs to grab something... is there something wrong? Why are you trippin?" She asked upset.

"Monica you can't be popping up at my momma house like this and then thinking it's coo to be holding my daughter. You know my girl don't play that." I spat.

"I thought I was your girl!" She fussed.

"You was a sneaky link bro. Thassit chill." I sighed.

"The way you are my pussy wasn't so sneaky..." she spat.

"Well that's between you and what new Nigga you gone get. We not finna be together is what I'm saying." I sighed.

"Fine whatever." She huffed before getting up.

"I hope she cheats on you." She spat.

"You're weird." I mumbled as she walked out of the house.

"Where did La'Monica go?" My mother asked coming into the living room.

"Momma why did you let her hold her ?" I spat as I gathered Za'ria's belongings.

"She asked." She shrugged.

"Ma, thanks for watching her but you won't be watching her again. You know I don't like strangers holding my baby and you know La'Monica and I are not together anymore. Why keep having her messy ass a round. I have a family now and I past all of that weird shit. You're trying to enable me and I'm not for the bullshit." I fussed putting Ria in the car seat.

"Again thanks but we got it from here." I sighed before leaving the key on the counter and shutting the front door.


"Nigga how did you get him to do that?" Monty asked referring to the sheriff giving in.

"I don't know he just owed me a few favors. For one, killing his daughters baby daddy and for two supplying him the best coke in Chicago." I laughed.

"Well I be damned. Nigga you're goated." He laughed dapping me up.

"Right on right on. We just waiting on the judge to grant bail." I sighed.

"Yea and that nigga is not playing. He going hard on them boys." He sighed.

"I know. I talked to one of them. He said the judge is trying to give him Maximum." I sighed shaking my head.

"I be damned... Maximum for a first time offense?!" Monty yelled out.

"Yea I know it's fucked up. Niggas can never catch a break. But also this Nigga did do the most." I laughed.

"Man. But they did what they felt they had to do. All we can do is support them and make sure their families are straight." Monty sighed.

"Facts. We just gotta keep looking out for each other." I sighed.

"On God . Make sure no one is lacking in anything." He agreed.

It was going on 4 o clock and I was ready for a nap.

"Nigga I'm finna take a nap while Ria is asleep." I yawned.

"Alright nigga stay safe." He said standing up.

"You know I will." I laughed.

I walked him out making sure I locked the front door. My back was hurting so I knew I needed to turn the heating pad on to relieve it.

After moments of laying in bed I began to doze off. Not even thirty minutes into my nap my phone began to ring, I tried to ignore it but the person just kept calling.

"Hello?" I answered still sleepy.

"You must've lost your raggedy dingy ass mind!" Za'ir spat through the phone.

"Aye watch yo mouth. Wassup ?" I sighed closing my eyes again.

"You had some bitch holding my baby? She talking about 'my pretty step daughter' I thought I told you to have them hoes gone Zavier!" She yelled through the phone.

"Aight so we can either talk to this out like adults or we n hang up and speak when you're ready." I sighed still trying not to wake up fully. She was blowing that for me.

"You know what. Tonight just drop my baby off. This is why I didn't want to move in with you and this is why I didn't want to risk getting my heart broken again. I need some space." She sighed.

"Whatever Za'ir I'll see you in a little while." I sighed before hanging up. She's not going anywhere and if she thought she was she lost her rabbit ass mind.

I'll drop my daughter off tomorrow so she can have some space to think on what's really going on. I know I wasn't shit in the past but she can't keep holding that over me.

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