Chapter 16

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"Jacob none of this is making sense. First Noah drops off Noel to us then we find out later our daughter is a druggie!" I yelled upset.

"Baby calm down please." Jacob sighed.

"I can't! I just lost my only daughter!" I yelled back.

"Your only daughter Linda?! You have another daughter you just don't wanna claim her!" Jacob spat back.

"Jacob I'm not in the mood!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

"Whatever Linda... you lost one daughter you're going to lose another." He spat before walking out of the room.

Everything has been too much. Never in a million years would I think my child would get into drugs. Nor would I believe my husband would throw that little evil bitch into the equation.

Although Lisa is already buried I still wanted to give her a proper home going. Jacob is handling all of the details since I couldn't hold myself together long enough to do it.

Noel started crying signaling she up from her nap. It is 5 in the evening and I needed to get some things done. I haven't had a baby in over 27 years.

"Okay Noley look. Grandma has to go do a couple of things so you're going with her." I coo'd at the little princess.

"You remind me so much of your sister Iceland." I smiled.

I gathered her diaper bag, my purse and car keys and began our way down stairs.

"And when you get the chance pick some dinner up." He yelled.

I simply rolled my eyes and kept on pushing. Although him and I have our ups and downs this has been a trying year already. Losing a child and gaining a grandchild to look after.


"Hello Ms. Smith." My accountant smiled at me as I walked into her office.

"I need to move a couple of things since I've experience and unfortunate circumstance..." I sighed putting Noel's car seat on the floor.

"Okay how may I help you?" She smiled.

"I need to cash out on my daughter life insurance money." I explained.

"Alright I'll be with you in one moment." She nodded typing away on her computer.

A few minutes later she came back with a 7million dollar check.

"I'm sorry for you loss." She sighed.

"I appreciate it." I nodded picking Noel's car seat up so we can leave.

The rest of the evening I cashed the check, fed Noel and myself and our finale stop was Isaiah's to drop off the money for Iceland.

"How is she?" I asked walking into the house.

"She's fine for now. Pretty scared." He answered taking Noel away from me.

"Man she's getting heavy. When did you get her?" He teased and tickled Noel.

"Her father dropped her off right before we were called about her mothers murder." I sighed.

"Wait..." I stopped myself as I began to think.

"Do you think he knows who killed Lisa and he's just running from them as well?!" I blurted out.

"Mrs. Smith I'm not sure... but you know the streets." He reassured me.

"Right... can't get too involved." I sighed.

"Well here is Icelands half of the life insurance money I put away for her mother just incase anything happened." I finished.

"You know she doesn't need it." He laughed kissing Noel on her cheek.

"Well no but it's hers." I said sliding the envelope towards him.

"So what are you going to do about Noel?" He asked sitting her on the counter.

"I don't know I assume I'll have to raise her." I laughed.

"I'll take her in." He shrugged.

"How come she's not yours?" I pressed.

"Well because I have iceland and all due respect you guys aren't spring chickens anymore." He laughed.

"Alright then... we still want to see her as much as we see Iceland..." I added.

"That's fine. You know that's never a problem." He smiled.

"Well here's Noel's half. Please put it in savings." I sighed.

"You know neither one of these girls need any of this." He sighed patting Noel on the back.

"Yes I'm aware but again... it's their money now. Please help them continue the legacy of their grandmothers name." I smiled.

"I gotchu." He simply shrugged.

"It's getting late and I have to get some food for Mr. Smith. Call me if you need me." I explained walking towards the door.

"Will do." He chuckled a little before closing the door behind me.

If I would've thought about it I would've spoken to Iceland. She's got enough going on. I've seen the bruises on her face... it sickens me to know my daughter has done something so cruel. But it also makes it worse knowing where she gets it from.


Two weeks have passed since Lisa's death. Today is the Home going and I could only hope things go smoothly.

"Are you ready?" Jacob asked me coming out of the bathroom.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed wiping the tears from my face.

The limousine pulled into our long driveway pulling up towards our front door.

Once I settled into the limousine I looked up to check my surroundings.

"Hi momma." I heard come from in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with gritted teeth.

"Daddy invited me." She smirked.

"That is not your father and you know it!" I spat.

"And Lisa wasn't his child but you never complained about that." She chuckled.

"Jacob why would you bring her?!" I yelled.

"Because it's about time you face the music. Sabrina doesn't deserve anything you've put her through!" He yelled back.

"Yes she does! She slept with my man!" I yelled back.

"He forced himself on me!" She said with tears falling down her face.

"Sabrina I'm not in the mood today is about your sister everything does not have to be about you." I said getting in her face.

"You wanna know who really killed you precious beloved ducking slutty daughter? Her child's father! Because she was doing the same thing you were doing to me, to Iceland. Everyone knows but you bitch! Burn in hell!" She spat.

I smacked her in her face, but it didn't stop there. She yanked my hair and started pounding me in my face I never in a million years would've believed she'd hit me back.

"You raggedy skank ass old woman die!" She yelled before I heard Gun shots... just as quick as I heard them everything became a blur.

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