Chapter 26

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Today is Xuriela's fifth birthday party. We pretty much had everything set up so we were just waiting on guests.

"I can't believe I have another five year old." My mother sighed.

"Me neither ma. Me neither." I laughed.

"Uhn Whatchu tryna say?" She asked laughing.

"You started over!" I teased.

"I know. I had no business doing that at all." She shook her head.

"But either way Xuriela is amazing. She's so smart and sassy. Although she wasn't sure about Za'ria at first she's such a big help." I smiled.

"She is. You three are my world. Y'all have shown me so much." She sighed.

"Ma don't start. You know we love and appreciate you for always trying. No matter what. You tried and that's all that matters now. Im glad you can be apart of my life and Za'ria's life." I reassured her.

"Do you know how much you mean to me stink?" My mother asked me.

"If it's anything how I feel towards Ria absolutely not. A mothers love is out of this world. There is nothing I wouldn't do for that little girl. So I understand." I smiled.

"Exactly. I'm so glad you get to experience this baby girl." She smiled at me.

"I am too mommy." I winked at her.

The guests soon began to pour in. Everyone from the shop, family and friends and even Isaiah and the girls. The party went well and you can tell she had a blast.

"Okay everyone it's for the princess to open up gifts!" My mother announced.

Everyone from the shop pitched in to buy her a huge Barbie dream house, each one of us brought accessories and everything else.

Isaiah and the girls gave her $500 to spend $500 to put in saving and $1000 to put towards college. Little does she know Isaiah, my mother and myself have already over 100k in her college fund.

My mother brought her a whole bunch of toys. All and all it was a great turn out. Afterward I helped pick up and played with her for a while until she crashed in her bed.

My mother and I talked for a bit then I went home. It was getting late so I put Ria in bed. She's gotten so chunky already at 2months. I feel like I'm feeding her too much in a way.

Zavier called me earlier so after my shower I mustered up the courage to call him back.

"Yo." He answered.

"You called." I sighed.

"Yea, I won't be able to pick her up tomorrow or next weekend for that matter I'm out of town." He explained.

"This is already the third weekend you canceled. Why even bother?" I asked.

"Because, shit be coming up. She'll understand." He brushed it off.

"Okay Zavier. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I sighed.

"Hey I didn't break this family up." He fussed.

"Last time I check you cussed me out and hung up in my face and came up with this arrangement yourself... I don't know who else could have done all of that." I chuckled a little.

"Because you won't leave that nigga alone". He simply stated

"Well by the looks of it I'm not going to. So you made your decisions and I made mine. The point is you've been canceling on your child too much. You're the one who was mad over a play date. I'm just stating facts." I shrugged as if he can see me.

"So you didn't fuck him." He pressed.

"No. I didn't. But if that was the case that should've been the first question you asked instead of accusing me. You didn't even let me get a word out. You're punishing your child off of something you thought I did. So leave it at that. If work is going to come before here then I'm not sure what to tell you. What me and you had going on has nothing to do with Za'ria. Period. Don't call and ask for my baby and then not come and get her. You said you was going to be here after my little sisters party and you have yet to show up. So I'm confused as to why we're still talking about anything other than our child? You're holding on to a stupid ass grudge for no reason. If I wanted to fuck Isaiah I would have but I didn't out of the respect for you. Leave it at that. You left that's the end of it. Now when will you late to see your daughter? Or do we need to settle this in court?" I finally snapped.

"I'll be there in the morning." He sighed.

"Good see you then goodnight." I dismissed the conversation soon hanging up right after.

Times like this I wish I still had Monie. But she's going through enough and I won't even front. I don't think our friendship is salvageable after what she said.

I took a deep breath trying not to stress myself. My life feels so under control for some strange reason to me. It's like if I get one thing under wraps another thing comes at me and that is annoying as fuck, I just want peace.

Minutes went by and I heard a loud bag outside of my house. I pulled up my app for my "Ring" camera. I sighed noticing someone had crashing into one of my cars in my driveway.

I put my robe on and rushed downstairs.

"Ma'am I'm so sorry I didn't mean to crash into your car." The young lady apologized.

"Where are your parents?" I sighed.

"They're at work. I just came home from a party and I'm a little tipsy." She confessed.

"Okay... look. I'm about to have someone came take both of our cars and get it fixed real quick. You'll be paying for this. Give me your number." I sighed.

She gave me her number and I gave her mine.

"Monday after school come to this location and get ready to work. I just bought this G wagon and it looks like you just got yours too. You'll be working off the damages until they've been covered." I instructed her.

"Yes ma'am." She pouted.

I made a quick call to Keith since he owned his own shop. He said he'll be here in thirty minutes so I just sat and made sure she was fine.

After he came and took the cars  I went back inside to call it a night.

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