Chapter 7

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It's been a month and today is Mr. Washington's trial date. I'm beyond stressed because so far, I've never lost a case especially on purpose.

I'm not saying what them niggas did wasn't wrong but shit it serves Randy right for trying to kill a man over some pussy. I don't too much care how today goes. Either way this nigga is going to get handled and I'm going to get paid.

"All rise!"

Everyone stood and sat.

"The jury calls Kelly Mayhem to the stand." The prosecutor called.

"Ms. Mayhem when police came to your home the day of the murder you told police Mr. Washington wasn't home. Is that correct."


"And later on during investigation you told detectives that you found out your husband was cheating on you with the victims wife correct?"

"Yes. It was brought to my attention my husband not only had an affair but possibly fathered the other woman's child."

"Did you ask for a DNA test?"

"No, and even if I did the young lady declined . She's eighteen so she has that right I guess." Kelly shrugged.

"Was Mr. Washington a violent man?"

"No, he was actually sweet to me. I just wasn't aware of his private... life." She said looking over at Randy.

"Do you believe he would try and Kill Mr. Smith in order to get him out of the picture and have a family?"

"Absolutely." She said still looking at Randy.

"No further questions your honor." The prosecutor smiled.

"Nigga you didn't object to shit! That was a leading question!" He whispered before I stood up to question his ex wife.

I shrugged it off as I stood to my foot then began walking towards the stand.

"Ms. Mayhem, before all of this happened is it true you and my client were trying to work things out?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets.

"Yes but as soon as I found out he was cheating with her again I left." She sighed.

"But in the mist of all of that you were pregnant. What made you keep it?"

"I thought he would change." She shrugged.

"Understandable. Is he a good father?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Of course. He'll lay his life on the line for his children." She nodded. 

"Speaking of children, how did you know he fathered Mr. Jacobs daughter?" I asked walking closer.

"Someone told me." She sighed.

"So hear say..." I laughed.

"Objection! Your honor Mr. Washington has told her himself." The prosecutor objected.

"Overruled. Continue Mr. Johnson."

"If my client wasn't a violent man, an honorable father, why would he try to kill Mr. Jacob?" I sighed.

"Because he knew thing were over with us so he wanted to use his back up plan." She fussed.

"But how we're they over? He still send you love letters, money for the kids without out child support and he just brought you that beautiful Mercedes Benz Wagon." I smirked.

"I guess you can say he was trying to hush me." She laughed a little.

"Hush you from what?" I smirked.

"From telling the truth." She shrugged.

"But how do you know what's true if you were at your mothers the night of the shooting? Who's to say he wasn't at home?" I pushed.

The courtroom fell silent.

"No more questions your honor."


The trial went by fast. The jury already made their decision after hearing the last witness.

"We the jury find Randy Washington guilty on all charges." One of the jurors announced.

"Fuck." He hissed.

"Hearing will be set two months from now." The judge dismissed.

They took him away in cuffs and I gathered my belongings. It was time to head to Za'ir's shop to recap on everything with everyone.


"Are you okay?" I asked Kelly giving her a hug.

"Yes I'm fine. I know you were just trying to do you job." She smiled weakly.

"Kelly how are you? This is a lot baby." Ray asked sitting in his chair.

"I'm okay. I just don't know how to explain this to our youngest. K'ior just knows her dad is locked up but not the reason." She began to cry.

"Look we got you no matter what." Za'ir explained rubbing her back. 

"I'm so sorry he got all of us into this mess." She continued to cry out.

"Hey... I'm sorry... if I would've kept my legs closed none of this would've happened. I was so angry at Jacob that I couldn't just let things be. Now I've ruined your family and some more shit." Linda explained.

"Everyone in that love whatever you wanna call it had something to do with this case. He just crossed a boundary." Monie sighed.

"I agree, the only victim here is Kelly. He pulled you through all of this mess. Now you have to clean it up." I agreed.

"Absolutely and if there is anything we can help with we will!" Jacob explained.

"I do appreciate it... I just need some time to heal that's all." She explained giving a weak smile.

"I gotta go and pick up K'ior I'll see y'all Friday." She said excusing herself.

Once she left Jacob and Linda followed as well.

"What. The. Fuck." I sighed sliding my hands down my face.

"Honestly y'all. Between the rest of us... this is too fucking much. What type of soap opera is going on?!" Ray yelled.

"Guys how about Jass didn't show up..." Jazmine pointed out.

"You're right... has anyone heard from her?" Tiana explained.

"Yes she took the day off... she just needs to hit be here today." Za'ir tried dismissing the conversation.

"Uhn uh you have to stop protecting that girl!" Tiana fussed.

"Protecting her? Girl what? She was caught up just like Kelly! That man kept lying about leaving Linda. Jas has moved on . Stop focusing on her and focus more on your clients Tiana. I've never had any problems in this shop and I'm not about to start. If she doesn't tell you something about herself then leave her alone!" Za'ir fussed.

Tiana smacked her lips, packed her station away and left.

"I'm glad she dipped her ass hardly had an clients." Ray sighed.

"Not now eat." Za'ir fussed trying not to laugh.

"Look it's been a long day why don't we wrap it up here and get some rest. We'll try again Friday." Za'ir announced.

"I agree." Ray smiled gathering his things.

Everyone left leaving Monie, Za'ir and I walking towards our cars.

"You did great work today. I know you hate losing." Za'ir complimented me.

"I appreciate it. You're right I hate losing my cases. But if it means keeping Iceland safe I will." I sighed.

"I'm sure Isaiah will call you." She smiled before hugging Monie and I.

We said our goodbyes and parted ways. The car ride home was comfortably silent. The day I had I most definitely cherished it.

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