Chapter 10

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It was late in the afternoon. My realtor and I were looking at places that I would possibly like. I just wanted a three bedroom. A room for Iceland, the new baby and myself. With a big back yard so they can play.

"I like this one." I smiled.

"Alright I'll draw up the papers!" she smiled.

Isaiah didn't come home until 8 this morning. Surprisingly I wasn't pissed. He can do whatever he wants I'll do the same.

After signing the lease she handed me the keys. I thanked her and made sure I gave her a stack extra for her quickness.

Since I had a lot of shopping to do I decided to eat first.


The time was 6:30pm. I placed the order for our furniture, brought decorations, and the essentials. The furniture wouldn't be here until next week so I held off on buying groceries.

I was tired and I knew if I didn't take a shower and get dressed I wasn't going to make it to the movies. I desperately needed some time with friends so I had to push through.

The house was quite meaning Isaiah and Iceland weren't home. I sighed in frustration. Since our argument we haven't said much to each other. What is there to say? I hate when people start to move funny. It's so disrespectful to me. Especially if I never switched up.

My phone began to ring, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Za'ir this is Lisa... Isaiah dropped Iceland over her and he hasn't picked her up yet." She sighed.

"Okay, uhm... I have plans tonight but just drop her off I'll figure it out." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I just have Noel and she's super fussy." She explained.

"It's fine. I'm about to get in the shower Iceland has a key." I said dismissing her excuse.

I hung up the phone and began to warm up the water in the shower. My body is so sore and I can tell I'm stressing.

It was a sharp pain in my stomach I didn't think much of it since the doctor said it would be normal. I looked down and blood began to slide down my leg. The next thing I knew I blacked out.


Ashton, Iceland and I were in the waiting room. Iceland called freaking out saying that Za'ir was unconscious in the shower and it was blood everywhere.

"What's going on?" Ray and Kelly asked walking into the waiting room.

"We don't know the doctor won't say anything yet." Ashton sighed.

"Are y'all okay?" Ray asked sitting down next to me.

"I just hope her and the baby are fine." I sighed.

"They will be. You know she's strong." Kelly reassured.

"Hey I came as quick as I can any updates?" Monty asked walking up to us.

"Nope not yet." Ashton sighed.

"Look let me take Iceland to my moms." I sighed grabbing my purse and keys.

"Okay baby I'll be back." He said kissing my cheek.

My mom has been in the picture for a while now and she has grown to love Iceland. I don't know how I'll explain everything but hopefully she doesn't press the issue.

"Is she going to be okay?" Iceland asked as we got settled into the car.

"I hope so baby. We just have to pray." I tried reassuring her.

The rest of the car ride was quite and that unlike Iceland. I can tell this was bothering her.

After dropping her off at my moms I went back to the hospital. Hoping and praying all is well.


"The doctor just left. He said the baby is fine, Za'ir is just under a lot of stress. She needs to be on bed rest for three weeks." Ashton informed me.

"That's going to be hard. Has Isaiah shown his face?" I asked pissed.

"No and he's not answering anyones calls either." Linda chimed in.

"Monie she is like a daughter to me. Ever since she's been in the picture I love her like she's mine. Now I know Isaiah is a good man. Please talk to him before I have to hurt him." She spat before grabbing her things to leave.

"I'll see you guys later." Jacob sighed.

"So can anyone go and see her?" I asked taking my seat.

"Yea Monty back there now. Everyone has shown there face it's your turn then we can go home." Ashton explained.

"Okay." I sighed.

"This is wild. Za'ir is always there for us we gotta step our game up at the shop. Linda said she'll be handling paper work until Za'ir gets off of bed rest." Ray announced.

"If y'all need anything let me know. I know the shop is a lot of work." I chimed in.

"We will need someone to run the social media page." Kelly instructed.

"That's find just send me the password and stuff." I smiled.

"I will." She nodded.

Monty came back we talked for a bit then he left.

"I'm gonna go see her." I sighed walking towards the doors leading to her room.

"Okay baby I'll be out here." Ashton reassured me.

Lord knows I'd die if anything ever happened to my best friend. If my brother is this cause for this him and I need a word.

Walking into her room it felt so cold. She must've asked them to turn the air on because it was cold as ever.

"Monie? Oh my God bitch I'm so fucking hot." She complained once it was me.

"Well you are pregnant best friend. Everything ain't gone be so peachy." I teased.

"This is my last time getting pregnant." She joked.

"Yea okay, we'll see hoe." I laughed.

"The doctor said I'm killing myself stressing so much. He has me on bed rest. I'll get to go home tomorrow." She explained.

"I'm sure Iceland and Isaiah will love that." I smiled.

"I'm not going home to Isaiah." She said bluntly.

"What do you mean?" I asked completely confused.

"Today I signed a lease on a house. Him and I just aren't seeing eye to eye. I think we just need space." She shrugged.

"You know I support anything you do. I'll have a talk with him. He's completely disregarding you. It's one thing to be busy but to just completely ignore is crazy." She huffed.

"Don't worry about it Monie. It is what it is. I made the mistake of being a wife without a ring. Now he's accustom to it. Either way. I need to be happy for my sake and the baby sake." She vented.

"I understand. I'm here for you." I smiled.

I picked up her hand placing it in mine. This pregnancy has to go better. She's deserves this baby. She'll know what true love is the second she'll see that baby's face.

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