Chapter 20

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I finally got what's mine. No it wasn't easy and I know for a fact she had every reason to leave when she did. Being older now, I know better and when you know better you do better.

The only thing that will not change anytime soon is my love for the drug game. I have hella connections now. We have multiple shops around six different states. The money flow is immaculate. Everybody is eating.

"Baby she's been fussing all morning. I think she had a rough night." Za'ir explained walking into the bedroom.

"What y'all need is a break from each other. Hand me my baby. We'll see you in a lil bit Ma." I smiled taking Za'ria away from her.

"Whea y'all going?" She frowned.

"Don't worry about it. Nah I'm just playing baby. My moms. Get you some rest, food, whatever you need." I laughed.

"If she becomes too much call me baby." She smiled.

"Come on nie ma. We finna be at my moms. You know once the kids are over their grandparents that's their kids. We gone be straight." I reassured her kissing her forehead.

"Thank you baby. I truly appreciate it." She smiled.

Za'ria was already dressed for the day. I just made sure her diaper was changed, fed her , burped her and made sure to get all of the gas out.

"Bye babies!" Za'ir yelled from the pouch.

"Bye mamas. We'll see you later." I yelled back making sure Za'ria was snapped in safely and correctly.


Pulling up to my moms house an unfamiliar car was in the driveway. I retrieved my gun from the glove department since I'm not sure what I was walking into.

After gathering all of our things I locked the car doors and began tussling with the diaper bag and keys to my mothers house.

"Ma! It's Zavier and Za'ria." I announced throughout the house.

"Oh my goodness my babies! Where is my other baby?" She smiled running up to us.

"I'm giving her a break. She works on top of making sure the house is fine and making sure we're okay. She deserves that." I explained walking into the living room to sit Za'rias car seat down so I can let her out for Ma dukes. 

"Have you been doing right by her?" She asked with an raised eyebrow.

"Yes Ma. I'm not gone fuck ip again. I know what I want. It's always been her I just was a whore for real." I shrugged.

"Ain't that the truth." Monty laughed coming down stairs.

"Man bye. Whatchu doing here?" I asked giving him some dap. 

"I was just checking on auntie for real. Plus I wanted to show her my new car." He shrugged.

"That muthafucka nice." I complimented.

"Right on bro." He smiled.

"Y'all hungry?" My mother asked.

"Yea!" We said in unison.

"Fat asses." She mumbled causing us to laugh.

"Ma you want me to take her?" I asked realizing she still had Ria' in her hands.

"No I'll put her in the baby bouncer she'll be fine, you two relax." She smiled.

"Thanks Ma." I smiled back at her.

Once she left the living-room Monty sighed.

"So what's the word about getting them niggas out?" I asked above a whisper.

"Shit to be honest? Its 50/50. Ashton working his ass off though. So I appreciate that. Nobody has said a word since they've been locked up. We're truthfully waiting on bail. The rest Ashton said he has under control." He explained.

"This don't make sense. This shit is truthfully stressful. When the courts decide on bail let me know. I'll be there to pick them niggas up." I sighed.

"I will man. Ashton said he had to talk to me tomorrow I'm just hoping it not any bad news." He said.

"Well at this point what is their to lose? Sells haven't been affected because we still have that one pusher up there. But we make double the money when they're all there." I stressed.

"And you're right. But nigga you know the justice system never plays fair... also did you have that meeting you was talking about?" He asked.

"No that's Friday. Hopefully we can make something shake with him. So them niggas can walk freely." I explained.

"Hopefully. Are you taking A'mir with you?" I he asked sitting back on the couch.

"If I can find his ass. He's not answering his phone calls or anything. Like he just disappeared." I shrugged.

"That's not fucking good. Ask Za'ir if her friend knows wassup. I think he's with that Jass girl." He suggested.

"Yea you're actually right. I'll talk to her when I get home. Maybe he's just staying out the way. Niggas get pussy and don't know how to act." I laughed.

"Man you got some nerve talking about him." Monty laughed.

"Nah this shit different. I love me some Za'ir." I smiled.

"Now you do." He laughed.

"You gotta point." I laughed back.

"Boys come eat!" My mother announced.


Seven hours have passed and it was getting late. Instead of driving all the way on the other side of town I decided to stay overnight at my moms.

"She's finally asleep." She announced coming into my bedroom handing me a sleeping Za'ria.

"Thanks for today momma. She's a good baby but when she's fussy she's fussy." I sighed.

"I know. It's not gas that girl is just getting big. She wants to eat and eat. So instead of putting oatmeal in her bottle I gave her some more milk. She's way too young for oatmeal. So if your doctor doesn't recommend it so not give it to her. Just make her an extra bottle. Also, uhm what was I about to say?... oh! Right, since she's about to be a month old I brought her some outfits for her photoshoot you guys have planned. Don't forget to grab those tomorrow before you leave. I told Za'ir I'd help with the clothes. I love the way she lets us help and love on Ria. Shes such a sweet girl and I hope you two settle down soon." My mother explained everything to me.

"Okay mama thank you. We'll work on it Ma. I know it's time to stop playing games for real. Before I lose her to another Isaiah." I agreed with her.

"As long as you know." She smiled at me.

After a while she shut the bedroom door. I took a nice shower, put my moisturizer on and put my boxers and pajama pants, socks and wife beater on.

Ria was in her crib so I had the bed to myself which was in a way weird since I normally spend Friday through Sunday Nights with Za'ir and Za'ria.

"Hello?" Za'ir answered the FaceTime call half asleep.

"I didn't mean to wake you up I was just letting you know we're staying at my moms tonight." I explained.

"Zavier ... thank you... for every... thing... I've been sleep all day..." she tried to let out as she kept yawning and dozing off.

"I amma let you get some sleep I love you." I laughed.

"I love you more." She smiled before hanging up.

I cut the tv off and rolled over. I was tired myself so it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

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