Chapter 9

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Since the trial things have been a lot more smoother. I just sense my child's father is up to no good. I haven't told him yet but I knew he had something to do with my Client Yasmine disappearing. She hasn't been to the shop for weeks!

Today I decided I'll confront him about it. Although the doctor says I shouldn't stress right now. It's hard having the man I have.

"What's on your mind?" Isaiah asked sitting next to me putting my feet on his lap to massage them.

"I had a client who would come in faithfully now all of the sudden she just disappears." I explained.

"What's ha name?" He asked looking at the tv.

"Yasmine." I said paying attention to his body language. He stiffened.

"Uhn uh don't tell me you was fucking this bitch Isaiah!" I yelled standing up.

"Bro nobody was fucking her but Keith. She's an opp we had to finish her ass. We lost her at first but we caught up to her. Don't you ever accuse me of cheating on you. That shit ain't even in me. Don't forget I was the one that got cheated on. I know how that shit feels. Now shitcho ass down so I can finish rubbing your feet!" He fussed.

I did as told and sat going into a deep thought. Here we are seven years down the road and I'm fussing about this man cheating. What is wrong with me? Why is it so hard this year? These past seven years have been a blessing. Now it seems like I'm getting tired of playing house.

"I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating. I think I'm just tripping. I'm going to lay down for a while. I love you. Lunch is in the microwave." I said getting up.

I kissed his cheek and began towards our guest room downstairs. Time from time I'll take a nice nap in here. The temperature was always nice and it had black out curtains which always helped.

Scrolling on tik tok for a couple more minutes I finally got tired. I pulled up my phone and  began to take my nap.


"Momma can I lay down with you?" Iceland asked shaking me out of my sleep.

"Wait what did you just call me?" I asked popping up.


"Iceland wait no, I told you, you did not have to call me that..." I sighed sitting up in bed.

"But why? You've been around my whole life. You're just like my momma." She explained.

"Yea I know but I don't want to take that from your real mom." I said sitting her next to me.

"I love her, but she's got a new family. I know she loves me but I'd rather be here more." She shrugged.

"We'll talk to your father okay?" I sighed.

"Okay. Can I take a nap with you? I already did my homework, I showered, and I ate my after school snack you put out." She pouted.

"Yes , I have to go pee and grab something to eat I'll be back." I smiled kissing her cheek.

The rest of the house was quite. Isaiah's car seemed to be gone so I shrugged it off. After doing what I needed to do I walked back into the guest room. Iceland was out cold. School must've worn her out.

I looked at my watch it was 6:30pm. Since dinner was to be served I decided to start cooking that way everyone can eat and go straight to bed.


"Where's daddy?" Iceland asked sitting at the island.

"I guess he's still out. He dropped you off right?" I asked sitting her plate on the table.

"Yeah he said he had to do something real quick. But Ma it's 7:30pm." She said Concerned.

"Okay I'll text him. Finish your food and I'll check over your home work." I smiled grabbing my phone.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey dinner is done... Iceland is asking about you." I explained.

"Yeah I know, and tell her I'll see her in the morning before school. I had to go out of town real quick." He explained.

"You weren't going to tell me?" I sighed.

"I'll be back around 1am baby chill. Why you pressing me?You don't neva act like this." he began to argue.

"Pressing you? Isaiah you dropped Iceland off and didn't tell me you would be hitting the road. She told me you said you'll be right back... you know what? I'll never press you on another situation." I dismissed before hanging up.

I checked Icelands homework, cleaned the kitchen and made sure to put her to bed. It was 9pm and I knew I needed to talk to someone before I blew up.

Having a private relationship is what I mostly try to maintain. But honestly sometimes I feel alone or like he's not hearing me. Maybe it's time for me to move back out. We probably need a little space.

After my shower I got ready for bed. I picked up my lap top to search for homes. I sold the house Zavier bought me. I didn't want a constant reminder of that relationship. Plus I wanted Isaiah to feel secure.

I wrote some addresses down, closed my lap top and put everything in my work bag. It was getting late and I wasn't tired yet. My phone began to ring. It was Monty.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Ayo there's my favorite hairstylist." He sang into the phone.

"Uhnt uh what do you want Monty?" I laughed.

"Look I know you all super mom and all but I miss my friend. When we gone hang it's been too long?" He sighed.

"Well Im free after 3pm tomorrow. We can go see a movie tomorrow night." I shrugged.

"Alright that's a bet. I got somebody I want you to meet." He explained.

"Ouu you got a new lady in your life?" I smiled.

"Something like that." He laughed.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow." I said before yawning.

"Alright see you then." He said before hanging up.

Monty hasn't been around much. He's actually been super busy with the daycare. So it'll be nice to spend time with an old friend.

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