shoulder-topper bazooka

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      hey so uh- I'm back, sorry, as some of you may know my screen was being fixed and I couldn't write. they said two weeks but surprise! It took double that time!!! so I'm just doing a little short one for you guys!

   March 14th, pi day. no not the dessert pie, pi, without the e. as in the mathematical term.

   well, it was on this day that Leo decided to surprise some people at camp. you see, Annabeth was always quite good at reciting circumference over the diameter of a circle, but she seemed to forget a certain son of Hephaestus was quite smart too, he was also quite tired of the child of Athena walking around as cocky as she was.

   "how many digits do I know? well about-" "Annabeth I challenge you!" Leo interrupted her, she was talking to some of the younger campers who were currently being captivated by her smarts.

   "What?" she turned around. "you heard me! I challenge you to a Pi Day duel!" she looked disinterested, "what's that"  Leo pouted, some daughter of Athena.

   he went on to explain the rules, "two people sit on opposite sides of a table with a pie in the middle, they then go on to recite as many digits of pi as they can and the person who knows the most wins!" Percy, who no one had noticed around the corner poked his head into the room. "against Annie? Are you alright?" he asked. Leo nodded fiercely.

   Percy sprinted off to go find the rest of the seven.

   he came back with the other 4 and a big key lime pie.

   the two sat down as Percy placed the dessert on the table. "on your marks! get set! GO!" and the two started in sync. "3.14159265359793238462643383279502..." and so on, (that is as high as I can go and I was too lazy to use Google)

   the epic duel of a century lasted for 15 minutes straight, and Annabeth's perfect memory was starting to run out. Holy crap Leo was good! though what she didn't know was that Leo had lost the "memorizing" part long ago, there is a specific way to calculate it and Leo just so happened to be a Hephaestus kid, the one all about math and patterns.

   "6181467514269123" Annabeth stopped abruptly ... she had lost on the 2978th digit of pi. "9," Leo said, smirking.

   Leo had . . . Leo had won! "yahoo!" Leo stood up tall, stretching his hands above his head. wasting no time he smushed the pie into Annabeth's disbelieving face. 

   "How did you?" Leo smiled, "I'm a Hephestus kid, I just calculated it in my head!" he laughed.

   every year since then on Pi day Annabeth challenged Leo, she learned how to calculate it, but she could never beat him. He was just . . . better. and even though that hurt her pride just a tiny bit . . . that would mean there would always be a day to look forward to.

   Hello, human beans! I'M BACK!!!! finally! I'm so sorry but as you could see at the top I was getting my screen fixed but it took exactly double the time they promised! so that is lovely! And yes by shoulder-topper bazooka I do mean headcanon, I have some more though! so here they are!!!

Leo never knew what to do for birthdays, so when it was Etelles coming up he got her a happy meal. everyone was confused but when she opened it, the little Mcdonald's toy was sitting there, but it looked too good, it looked too . . . unique. that's when the little fake popcorn maker dinged, and pink candy popcorn poured out of the dispenser

whenever Leo reads he highlights the parts that remind him of his mother, so he can look back at them and remember her no matter what book it is.

Leo never knew how to be "sick" due to the constant abuse of the foster homes. the time he had told somebody they had shrieked "Get him away from me! He is diseased!" so no, he didn't get "sick". though when he eventually overworked himself the team is there for him ready to teach him how to just relax.

Leo knew all about the night of the meteor shower on the wilderness school roof, that was because it used to be his and Piper's thing. whenever there was a particularly beautiful night they would go up and chat, and they never even had to ask each other if it was a meteor shower. so that night Leo was there, the winds were cold so when he had enough he hid behind the chimney. then Jason and Piper came up, and he heard them "I love Leo, but you ever feel three is a crowd?" it broke Leo's heart, not the comment but the fact that Piper had forgotten all about him and their tradition.

   alright, I had a few more but then I forgot them, and I just know they were my best ones too! uh, thank you so much for tuning in but for now, I have to tune out! so right now! panwake! away!

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