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Harry's POV

Meeting Josh outside of the building, Harry took a closer look at him. The satin blue shirt he was wearing underneath his open coat worked wonders in combination with his dark brown eyes. He looked really expensive today and as fit as ever. He was a sight.

"Hey, Handsome" Josh greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, you look dashing tonight" Harry complimented him flustered, feeling his cheeks heating up.

"That old thing? Nah, it's nothing special" Josh waved the blunt compliment off and eyed him up and down. "But you look amazing".

"Thanks" Harry didn't really know what to do. Dates weren't a usual occurrence in his life. "Shall we?".

"Of course. Where to?" Josh looked up at him excitedly.

"I thought we could go to that restaurant two blocks down from here. Do you know it? It's ...".

"Laura's?" Josh raised an eyebrow at him with an unreadable expression on his face, so Harry only nodded. "I mean, if you want to go there, sure. But we don't have to, you know".

"Oh, um ...".

"I know you must think I'm only a nurse and hence, not used to all the fancy things you're used to but I can handle this. I can handle the money. The difference between us, I promise. My mother has a doctor at home. I know how to handle this, so you can go all out. I won't feel bad" Josh assured him in a determined voice.

Letting his words sink in, Harry felt an odd kind of hesitation to go through with this night but he pushed it away. It was probably only the memories of his past making him overcareful. Josh was a really nice guy and considerate of everything. Maybe this was the day to finally live up to his status. He was a doctor, after all. He had the money to properly wine and dine Josh at the fanciest place.

"Okay" Harry grabbed Josh's hand in determination.

"Where are we going?" Josh asked a bit taken aback by his sudden eagerness and the rush in his steps but Harry didn't care. He had made up his mind and they needed to hurry.

"The Light Palace" Harry informed him shortly.

"Seriously? That's the fanciest and most expensive restaurant in all of Domumley. We won't get a meal below ...".

"50 quid, I know" Harry interrupted his shocked rambling. "I am supposed to woo you, or am I wrong?".

"I ..." Josh was fish-mouthing at him. "We can't just go there. You need a reservation months prior".

"Not me" Harry smirked a bit smugly at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Josh followed him suspiciously.

"That I know the manager and the chef. They'll let me in" Harry shrugged nonchalantly. He met both men through Niall years ago. Additionally, the manager's daughter has been one of his patients something over a year ago. He had saved her life.

"That's so hot".

Typing out a quick text to the manager of the restaurant while they were on the way, Harry's determination grew with each step. He hasn't been at the Light Palace in ages. He had tried to keep a low profile, especially around his non-medical friends. He didn't want to brag about his money and make them feel bad but right now, he couldn't see why he had done that. There was nothing wrong with the amount of money he made. He was working his ass off for it.

"Doctor Styles, it's good to see you. Welcome to the Light Palace," the manager himself greeted him when they walked inside.

"It's a pleasure to see you, Mr. Martin. How's Gwen?" Harry shook his hand politely, holding an appropriate conversation.

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