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Maybe this was a parallel universe. Maybe he was having a very vivid dream. Maybe he would wake up any second and realise he made all of this up in his head. And maybe he was really just being lucky enough to experience this right now. Maybe he needed to finally accept that life was good for him at the moment. Maybe his feelings were valid and were even reciprocated. Maybe he should act on them and risk it all. Maybe it would be worth it. Maybe ...

"Dad?" Evelina waved her hand frantically back and forth in front of his face, tearing him out of his dazed state. "I'm waiting here".

"Sorry, Pumpkin. I was ...".

"I know" Evelina was actually smirking up at him knowingly. "But you said you'd paint my nails. Harry is almost done".

Trying his best to tear his eyes away from Harry painting Mae's nails on the other end of the couch, Louis grabbed the bottle of red nail polish and opened it, starting on his daughter's nails. But it was hard for him to fully focus on the task at hand. This entire situation was too much for him to handle. Zoey was at work and his mother was meeting up with Emily and Sophia, which meant Louis was alone at home with the girls and Harry. The girls were feeling a little bit better than yesterday and had begged them to spend the entire day together and of course, both of them had agreed without hesitation. So, that's how they'd ended up painting each other's nails in the living room and it was too much for Louis' poor heart.

Seeing how attentively and highly focused Harry was painting Maeva's nails made Louis' throat close up. He felt like he couldn't breathe. It was just too cute and adorable to watch. Harry and his daughter looked so good together. Almost as if they were ...

"You're doing it again" Evelina pulled her hand away to blow the nail polish dry. "Do you plan on ever doing something about this?".

"I ...".

"About what?" Harry asked from the other side of the couch with a cute wrinkle on his forehead. "Sorry, you're too far away to keep track of what you're talking about".

"Yeah, what were you talking about?" Maeva faked innocence but her eyes showed pure mischief. She was just like her sister.

"Finally addressing things that are plain right obvious to everyone around and doing something about it" Evelina answered evilly.

"Oh? Sounds like good advice. Don't you think?" Maeva was such a good little actress, looking up at Harry with big eyes.

"Um ..." Harry looked like a deer caught in headlights, making Louis feel so bad for him right now. His daughters could be little menaces and Harry wasn't aware of that yet. He wasn't prepared.

"That is so not what we talked about" Louis announced in a loud and exaggerated voice. "The little devil here wants to get her hair braided, didn't you?".

"If you say so. It's not like you would lie to save your ass" Evelina looked maliciously up at him. She was so much like him as a child.

"Language" Louis tried to sound stern but could barely hide his smile. There was no use in trying to stop her from cursing anymore.

"Can you braid my hair too, Dad?" Maeva actually seemed to love that idea. "I can paint your nails after that".

"Of course, Peanut".

"Then I want Hazzy to braid my hair. Can you?" Evelina asked him excitedly. A bit too excited for Louis' liking. Again, she was evil.

"Of course but I'm not really good at it. I can only braid simple ...".

"That's alright. I like it simple" Evelina slowly crawled over to him, switching places with her sister. "Mae likes more complicated braids and only Dad can do it. Not even our aunties".

Given A Chance (1D Version)Where stories live. Discover now