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The trip to Germany had been planned over a year ago. It has been Liam's idea to show them the cities and places where he grew up and now they were here. They were staying in a little holiday home on the coast of the Baltic Sea. The city was called Travemünde and he couldn't for the life him pronounce it right, no matter how many times Liam tried to teach him. His daughters were very keen on learning as much German as they could on this trip and they were surprisingly good at this. He was so proud.

Most of their time was spent on the beach, building sand castles or swimming in the ocean. The evenings were spent inside of their holiday home, playing games or watching German movies that Louis and Zayn didn't understand. But their entire time was filled with laughter and happiness and that was the most important part.

During their second week in Travemünde, they took day-long trips to nearby places and explored their surroundings. One day they took a trip to a well-known amusement park and the girls were over the moon. They ate lots of unhealthy food and rode most of the roller-coasters and played on a pirate ship and captured all of their little moments in pictures or videos to keep their memories safe.

The third week of their vacation was spent in Liam's hometown Lübeck. It was famous for its marzipan and the Holsten gate and had dozens of museums and five famous churches with seven towers in total. They visited every single one of them and walked along the rivers and took a boat ride over the canal.

One day was spent in the capital city of the state of Schleswig-Holstein called Kiel. It was even bigger than Lübeck and the eyes of his daughters never seemed to stop growing bigger at every new sight. Their second-last day was spent in Hamburg because it was his sisters' birthday and Luna and Stella happened to be there around the same time they were only one city away.

They were supposed to meet them at a restaurant in the city centre but this was easier said than done if you have never been to that city before. Somehow, they still found the place without being too late. It was a big Italian place and the inside was marvellous. At a table in the back, his sisters Luna and Stella were waiting for them with their partners, who Louis had never met before.

"Louis" they chorused joyfully and jumped up to hug him tightly.

"My angels" Louis pulled them in as close as possible.

After a very long hug, they let go of each other and started greeting the others. While Stella and Luna hugged Maeva and Evelina before squeezing the life out of Zayn and Liam, Louis sat down at the table to introduce himself to Dominik and Rose.

"Hey, I'm Louis, their older brother".

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Rose" his sister Stella's girlfriend introduced herself nervously but with a smile on her face.

"And I'm Dominik, Luna'sboyfriend. But you can just call me Nick. I'm sorry if I'm English isn't all that well but I'm German and ...".

"It's okay. She told us and we'll try to take that into account" Louis tried to take the pressure away from him. "Nick".

For a start, they all ordered something to drink before studying the menu. Nick was a great help with the translations and ordered all of their food, in the end. It was the easiest way for everyone. While waiting on their food, they started talking about how their trip has been so far and what his sisters have been up to these past few weeks. Stella and Rose were on a break because Cuatro Hearts were having a week off to relax before the tour would start and Luna had a day off for her birthday before she had to leave for America tomorrow without her boyfriend. Hearing them talk about their respective careers made Louis feel so proud of them.

"Emily and Sophia called earlier and Mum was the first one this morning. She called before we were even awake" Luna told them.

"I think she's pretty used to my times now. Sorry" Louis grinned sheepishly. "Once a habit, always a habit. It's hard to break".

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