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Harry's POV

"What ya looking at, H?" Niall threw his left arm around his shoulder, glancing at his phone. "Who's that?".

"BAC" Harry told him absent-mindedly, scrolling through their band page on Triplemage, a social media site for mainly photos.

"Is this about what you told me about yesterday? Zayn's ex and his band? Is that them?" Niall leaned closer to the phone.

"Yes, that's their band. I was curious and checked their band page and it looks like Max has some girlfriend at the moment. Poor girl, but who knows if that's even true" Harry clicked on picture after picture and read some of the comments from some fans.

"The chance that it's a real relationship is pretty low. It's the music business, after all. It's mostly fake, so maybe she isn't any better than him. We can't know for certain" Niall plopped down on the couch next to him. "By the way, where are the girls?".

"Playing in the guest room. Well, Eve was pretty adamant to build some Lego castle on the floor. Mae wanted to read but I'm pretty sure Eve convinced her to join forces by now. That's just how she is and gets what she wants, right?" Harry locked his phone.

"She can be pretty persuasive, yes. But you're ought to know best, right? You're babysitting them, not me. And it sounds as if you're quite close by now" Niall retorted casually but there was definitely something he wasn't saying out loud. Harry knew him too well.

"We are close and I'm honoured that they let me into their lives. We took some time to get to know each other and bond and I can't say I regret it. They are amazing" Harry's heart warmed by just thinking about them and their progress over the last weeks.

"You love them" Niall stated. Or asked. Harry wasn't sure.

"Of course, I do. What's not to love? They're Louis' daughters. You have to love them" Harry squinted at his best friend perplexed.

A weirdly satisfied look crossed Niall's face before he spoke up. "How is Louis? Did you two bond as well?".

"I think so? Why? What are you on about?" Harry wasn't sure what game his friend was playing right now.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm just happy you're getting along and were able to bond over something. You know, with us all being friends now and your former crush, I was afraid you'd never be able to just be friends. You know, without wondering what could have been".

Speechless, Harry blinked at his best friend. "I'm with Josh".

"I know that. I'm just saying ...".

"It doesn't matter what I felt months ago. Years ago. I'm with Josh now and that's all that matters, okay? Louis and I are friends and I'm happy that we are because he is amazing but that's about it. I'm not secretly wondering what could have been only because we had a very heartfelt moment and opened up to each other in a way I never saw coming" Harry clarified defensively.

"Okay. Whatever you say" Niall held his hands up in surrender. "How is Josh, by the way? I'm surprised you're spending the weekend apart. You're pretty attached to each other".

"I know you're not necessarily fond of him for some reason but I like him and we have a good time together, okay? He's alright and I'm fine. He's fine, okay?" Harry felt like he had to justify himself.

"I don't have to like him as long as you like him and he likes you. As long as you're happy and he is good to you. Is he good to you, Harry?" Niall checked deadly serious in a gentle voice.

"You don't have to worry about me,  Niall. I'm good" Harry assured him honestly. "He's not like Jake,okay?".

"Glad to hear that" Niall smiled at him in relief. "Hate to ruin our moment but I have to go. Work is calling. See you later, H".

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