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To say he was in a bad mood would be the understatement of the century. Yesterday had already been a horrible day for Louis but today has been even worse. Yesterday, he and Kayla had been up for their clown duty and it had taken them double the time than normally to see every child. There have been delays and dozens of interruptions and rude parents. It had made him question if it was worth it or if he should just quit. In the end, he had chosen to stay.

Which had turned into his biggest mistake of that day only about ten minutes later when he was on his way to the locker room to get changed. On his way down the hallway, Kayla and he had run into Josh, out of all people, and it hasn't been a pleasant run-in. Josh had insulted them like expected and had caused a small scene but nothing Louis normally couldn't handle. Just at that moment, it has been too much in such a sour mood. So, it had ended in Kayla dragging him away before he could attack Josh physically on top of everything. Afterwards, he had felt horrible for letting himself get triggered and dragged down to Josh's level. Not his best day.

After spending yesterday night alone because Harry has been with Niall and Sean, Louis had woken up in a cranky mood and realised he had overslept for the first time in years. Magically, he had managed to get the girls ready right in time but on the way to school, they had been stuck in unusual traffic jams. Luck really hasn't been on his side today either.

With the girls late for school, he had skipped his usual walk with Àmbar and Lucky through the park. Instead, he had wanted to clean the flat a bit to release some stress but it had ended in two broken glasses and a bleeding thumb. Cursing and cussing until he had calmed down, Louis had taken care of his cut and decided to call it a day. The rest of the morning has been spent in front of the TV with his phone in hand but Harry hadn't responded logically because he has been at work. Nonetheless, Louis had felt ignored and it had worsened his mood.

Then it had been time for him to go to work but that had only made things worse. It has been way busier than on a normal Wednesday and it had stressed him out because he wasn't able to fake a smile today. One wrong comment could set him off.

That comment had come close to the end of his shift. He had been attending to a nice couple when new customers had come in. Immediately, Louis had been able to tell that this man was a doctor and one of the bad ones. Because everyone else was busy, Louis had taken it upon himself to serve them, which he had regretted in an instant. The man and his date had been rude and dismissive from the first second and Louis had had a hard time not snapping at them. He had ended up snapping at them when the man had claimed that the food was cold and disgusting only to cause a scene and get the meal for free. Louis has seen this before but today it had been too much. That egocentric doctor had not seen his reaction coming and had admitted that he had overreacted but not without insulting Louis and putting the blame on him.

It had all been too much for one day. Out in the backyard, even Coco had noticed his foul mood and had tried to calm him down. It had put a smile on his face for a moment. That smile had vanished faster than ever when Josh had walked into the restaurant with Kyle. Luckily, it was right around the end of Louis' shift. Somehow, Josh had still found a moment to throw shade at Louis before he had been able to flee. Biting down his own comment, Louis had left without looking back, hoping to find some peace and quiet at home.

He wasn't that lucky though. After every traffic light on his way home has been red for hours, he finally made it home and was met with his two best friends cooking in the kitchen and Harry talking to Evelina and Maeva, who looked like something was wrong. Seeing that, he wanted to turn around and run away but he has already been spotted, so now he had to suck it up and act.

"Dad!" Maeva exclaimed happily, running right at him.

"Hey, Love. Had a good day?" Louis bent down to hug her.

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