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By now, Louis was positive the entire building could hear them but he didn't care one bit. He was singing some song by his daughters' favourite girl band at the top of his lungs with them and nothing else mattered right now. After he had picked them up from school and they had arrived home and had eaten some late lunch, that they had ordered in while quickly doing their homework together, the girls had suddenly suggested creating their own karaoke bar in the living room and of course, Louis didn't say no. For his day off, this was the perfect way to spend his time with his daughters.

"It's none of your business!" the three of them screamed together and ended their tenth song in a row out of breath.

"How about a slower song next?" Maeva suggested pantingly.

"Good idea, Love. What song do you have in mind?" Louis tried to catch his breath but his lungs weren't cooperating with him.

"Mh, maybe Scars?" Maeva tapped her chin in fake-thoughts.

"What a surprise" Evelina snorted amusedly.

"It's a great song" Maeva pouted adorably.

"It is, so let's do this" Louis searched for the song on his phone before connecting it to the loudspeakers again, pressing play.

Together with his beautiful daughter, Louis started to sing the song and got lost in the poetic lyrics. She was definitely right. It was a very beautiful song but she couldn't know how amazing it really was and that was a good thing. But Louis knew and it was a bit much, which wasn't new to him but he had never sung it out loud before. Somehow, the lyrics hit differently like this.

Allow yourself to work with that pain and fear and watch your worries disappear. There is a reason why you're here.

"Another one?".


And just like that, they sang three more songs before they fell on the couch exhaustedly but with huge smiles on their faces. With one daughter in each arm, Louis felt at ease and at home. He'd love to stay like this forever and never leave again.

"Dad? Can we go to the park?" Evelina glanced up at him.

"Now? You'd only have an hour before it's dinner time. You have school tomorrow and can't ...".

"I know and I thought about it" Evelina covered his mouth with her tiny hand gently, making him shut his mouth with a smile. "We can prepare some sandwiches and eat at the park".

"Eve ...".

"That sounds great" Maeva's entire face lit up at that idea. "We could go to the playground together. We barely do that".

Swallowing the lump in his throat at her words, Louis pulled them closer into his arms to squeeze them tightly. "When did you two become so smart? Okay, fine. Let's do it".

"Yay! Thank you, Dad!" both girls squealed happily.

"But you have to help me with the sandwiches".

The words had barely left his mouth when the girls jumped up and ran into the kitchen. Shaking his head at their antics fondly, Louis followed them and stopped them from creating a huge mess in his best friend's holy walls. Liam would get a heart attack.

As a team, they prepared the sandwiches in no time and got ready to go out. Before leaving the flat, Louis grabbed two water bottles because he knew his daughters way too good. Overly eager and jittery, they took the elevator down and left the building. The park with the playground wasn't even five minutes away per foot, so they reached their destination fairly quickly. As soon as they set foot on the playground, Maeva and Evelina were gone. Immediately, they sprinted off without so much as a word.

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