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Originally, Harry's birthday was supposed to take place at Louis' mum's house with only his closest friends for some cake. Now with Bella in town for Yuna's slightly too early birth, she was actually able to attend Harry's birthday gathering and meet Louis' mum on top of everything. Somehow, that last part made his stomach ache at the mere thought. Louis was terrified that they wouldn't get along. What would they do then? Or even worse, what if they got along great and would embarrass them all day?

Banned from helping with the birthday cake, Louis decorated the living room with his daughters until the doorbell rang. Squealing in excitement, Mae and Eve ran to the door and opened it to greet Harry and his mother. Louis lingered in the back and watched the scene unfold, feeling his mother's presence behind him. To his luck, she didn't say anything and just let him be.

But then Bella looked at him and opened her arms for him. "Louis, dear. How are you?".

Stepping into her embrace, Louis hugged her close. "Good. How are you? How are Abby and the baby?".

"We're all good. Don't worry" she put her hands onto his shoulders to inspect him a bit closer. "It's good to see you".

"I'm glad you're here" Louis smiled at her, a lot more relaxed now.

"What about me?" Harry whined next to them. "It's my birthday and you're my boyfriend. I deserve all of your attention".

"Stop the whining, Baby" Louis pinched Harry's cheek, leaning closer to his ear. "You had all of my attention this morning".

Letting out a squeak, Harry turned bright red, smacking Louis' arm half-heartedly. "Louis! Not in front of my mother".

"You just exposed yourself. Unlike you, I know how to be quiet and whisper properly" Louis patted Harry's cheek for show, pinching his bum slightly and coaxing another high squeak out of him.

"I don't like you right now" Harry pouted showily.

"Because you love me. I know. There was no need to clarify that. Everyone knows, Baby" Louis teased him because it was just so easy and Harry looked lovely when he blushed. "Now, why don't you introduce your mother to my mother like a proper birthday boy".

Glaring at him some more, Harry motioned between the two silent women, who were both holding back their laughter. "Mum, that's Jasmine, this asshole's mother. Unlike her prick of a son, she is quite lovely. Apparently, he didn't inherit that trait".

"Give it a rest, Harry" Bella rolled her eyes at her son's antics, addressing Jasmine now. "It's lovely to meet you, Jasmine. I'm Annabelle. This drama queen's mother. And I, for my part, love your angel of a son and his little fairy daughters".

"So do I" Jasmine laughed at the entire situation, Bella joining her laughter. "And please, call me Jaz".


And just like that, the two women were off and left their sons to themselves, Mae and Eve hopping after them and asking for some cookies, which Louis knew they would get if they flashed these two traitors their best puppy dog eyes. Stealing a glance at Harry, his boyfriend was still glaring at him but it had turned more into a childish pout, that Louis wanted to kiss away. It was tempting.

"If you don't stop glare-pouting at me, I have to kiss you" Louis leaned against the partition wall by the staircase, blocking the view to the kitchen. "You choose, birthday boy".

Batting his eyelashes funnily, Harry pouted even more, pushing his bottom lip out as much as possible. Rolling his eyes, Louis let out a long, exasperated sigh and approached his boyfriend. With one hand, Louis touched Harry's cheek gently. With his other hand, he traced Harry's plumb bottom lip before slotting their lips together in a soft kiss. Immediately, Harry melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist, pulling him in closer.

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