The Story of Gayness And Love

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Made by me and my cousin.

By: Wilbur & Z

The story starts of a god and his lover living in heavens. His name is The God Athens.

The god wanted to test his followers if they are loyal to him.

"This Tree and Flower gives you power if you cutted the Tree and took the flower", he said.

Everyone was surprised, shocked and amaze too see how beautiful the garden was.

Then night strucked, a man cutted the tree without even hesitating and took the flower like a greedy man. Once it was morning, every villager was shocked to see what happened to the garden, the tree is gone the flower was gone, the garden was destroyed.

God Athens was angry to see who would dare to do this, a greedy human who would destroy and betray a god for only powers, and he broke down more when he knew it was his lover... Cirus, a handsome man, nice and a wonderfull man who Athens loved the most, those nights they spent were nothing but all fake....

As for Cirus who was a manupulative, smart, greedy man. Ran away with the divine power with him. He made a base to hide from everyone. Then, he recruited peoples, manupulate them and made war against Athens.

When Athens knew about their plan, anger and tears fell down his cheeks, he still cant believe why'd he betray him...

Soon Athens choose people to fight along side him, he gave them powers and entrusted them.

From now, the war hero and villains has began...

Zeizi's Pov

Hi, im Zeizi Ysho, 17 and a high school student from US School. I've experinced, bullying, abuse, rape and more torture in my life.

My parents died when i was 5 years old so i grew up with my grandmother who lives in UK. I moved there and continued my studies, everything was great until my grandmother died at the mg age of 16. Basically, my aunts attacked me telling me it's my fault that my grandmother died, and the say "You're really a bad luck, everyone who lives with you dies eventually", i onced again in deep torture. My relatives kicked me out of my gramdmother's house, leaving me no money nor resources.

When i turned 17, i've experienced bullying again, i always thought "why is everything like this, am i a bad luck, should i keep living, do i have a reason to live?". I hate this, life sucks, i have enough of this, so–i made my way through the rooftop and wanting to jump but i felt a hand grabbing me.



"Is there a reason for me to keep living in this shitty ass world?"

"Haa... Don't kill you-"


I felt a warm body against me..Am i being hugged. Suddenly i just broke down.

"I can help you, please..don't kill yourself.."


After that, i learnt his name was Calisto, he was very friendly and nice. I liked him, he was the only one who understands me, he kept hangging out with me, sitting beside me, eating lunch with him and non other that, made me happy so much.

A month later

Im still friends with Kalisto and ive been feeling good as the past few month. I also got a power now, i didnt expect i was a puppetier. And definetly didnt expect Kalisto to be shocked too.

"Wow..the puppetier clan died a few years ago.. guess there is still one who survived..."

And im surprised to hear what he said next...

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