Chapter 16

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Venti opened his eyes.

  People are talking, but he couldn't make out any words.

  There's a blinding white light, and Venti looks away.


"Where am I...?" Venti whispered.

Xiao sat up in surprise. Venti is awake.

Venti is awake.

"You're safe, Venti. Were here at the castle. Do you want water?"
He murmurs to the man Infront of him. He himself looked worse for wear, with messy hair and eyebags under his eyes.

Venti shakes his head. And closed his eyes. He whispers "what happened?"

He hesitates, Xiao wasn't sure if he was the right person to say it all. And he said so.

"Please... Is everyone safe? What happened to the fatui guard?" The black haired teens voice was barely a whisper.

"I don't know exactly what happened but I'll do my best to explain, Venti."

Said man nodded tiredly.

"So uhm you sort of went, err- bersek at the fatui guy. You had to be restrained. You have a vision now... I can assume you have your suspicions already?" Xiao asked, leaning back on the velvet armchair. "Yanfei... I don't know exactly what she did but they said you fainted. But you've been oit for three days."

"Three days!?" Venti exclaimed.

Xiao nodded an affirmative. "Three days" he repeated. "Father wants to talk to you, but you have to get checked first. I'll call a nurse." Xiao stood up. But before he could walk out, Venti grabbed his sleeve.

"Thank you, your majesty." He whispered with a kind smile.

Xiao blushed, for a reason unknown to him. "Er, uhm, just Xiao please..." And he fled.


Venti looked skywards and whispered to no one in particular, and said.

"What will I do now? I'm lost. Gods help me."

Venti was engulfed by hugs and well wishes by friends.

"Are you okay?" Was very common.

"Is your head okay? I'm so sorry I think I hit you too hard!" Sobbed Yanfei, to which he responded with a pat on the head.

Ganyu ran in and tackled him, practically crushing his bones. "You dumb idiot! Why the..." She continues sprouting useless insults at him. Before being shooed away by Prin– Xiao.

Thank the Gods Venti smiles thank the Gods they're here with me. Living. Breathing.

He gives Xiao a thankful look as the teen left.

Replacing him, the king enters.

"Venti, my boy, how are you feeling?" The bearded man asks.

"I'm all good your majesty. Thank you." Venti responds with a smile. He seemed to be smiling more in the company of this family.

"Good, good. Now, I apologize to disturb your rest, but if you could come and talk with me..."

"Yes sir. I am feeling like a walk would do us good."

"Yes indeed." The king combed his beard and helped Venti up. The two set a slow pace around the castle grounds.

"So sir, I'm not sure if I'm privy to this information. but, Cypress, the fatui member, mentioned a necklace."

"Ah yes, young one. But before I say to you the very answer to your question. You need to ask yourself this: am I prepared to hear answers that could compromise my life? Come to me with your answer, young one. But let us leave that matter for another day. Though the fact that Mr.Cypress took the necklace is worrying indeed." The king wouldn't give him answers yet. And Venti caught this.

"Xiao said you wanted to ask me questions, can we do some sort of, trade your majesty?" Venti asks, he's sure that he's pushing the boundaries with the king.

"Hmmm, good proposition, young one!" The wise, yet batty old man said. "I'll go, what is your families connection with that man?"

Cypress, was his uncle. Not by blood, by choice. Venti looked up to the man as a father figure. But hearing the ugly truth come from him killed Venti.

No, it didn't kill him, it broke him.

And he said so to his Majesty

(Yes my cousin did this, and ik it kinda made the story a bit messy, but good)

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