Chapter 19

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Bit of a Trigger warning, Xiao breaks down a bit. Its not too bad, but I don wanna take any risks. Skip from the fancy border thing!

"You all know that once hearing this, every one, the dangers of hearing this information?" The king looked at each of them seriously.

They were in his office, grand, and painted in shades of gold, browns, reds, and whites.

"Yes, your majesty/father." They chorused.

Zhongli nodded gravely. "You are all very stubborn children indeed." He sighs.

"This necklace"- he started. -"holds a great power. It is not a simple piece of jewelry you'd find at the market. It holds a power like none other- with the execption of its other siblings- it holds my vision. And enhances it, to the very point where I could grant others the same vision."

"So sir, what does that make you?" Asked Yanfei.

"As I said, it is not just me. You notice that your mother holds this very necklace. We, and many more others are Archons. Yes, we are real" he announced to their shock. "Tell this to no one. I trust all of you enough."

"Father... what...? How...?"

"I was bestowed this power by an old friend of mine. I was told this very speech, one archon for each vision. I, as you know now am the Geo archon. And Venti, I suspect that one of your parents was the archon of anemo? My condolences." He bowed his head.

Venti nodded. Not trusting himself to speak. He was even more determined to get it back. He looked over to Xiao, wondering how the other is processing the knowledge that his father, was technically a god.


His father is an archon...

his FATHER is an ARCHON.....

Xiao breathes shakily, his thoughts overwhelming him. Xiao wanted to cry.
This was all so sudden...

A warm body pressed against him. Xiao was hugged tightly.

"Shhh, calm down son. Slowly, try to follow my breathing." His father whispered.

"....Thank you, dad." Xiao breathed. Though he was still scared for what will eventually happen.


"That means.... That the fatui now has a god granting necklace..." Venti broke the silence, petting Yanfei"s hair. He didn't know why, but it seemed to help her calm down a bit.

"I suppose so." King Zhongli frowned. "Now, we have to take back whats rightfully yours...."


*timeskip bc writing action scenes physically hurt me*

Venti held the necklace gently. He was going to be an archon after all these years of fighting. This necklace was the symbol of the war finished. Three years of pain for all aspiring anemo holders. As without an archon, there would be none given a vision.

Xiao, his boyfriend of two years now- still visionless, though nobody teased him for it - was at his side. "Go on, wear it. You deserve it." He whispers into the bards ear.

Venti inhales, and locked the lock in place. He did not expect the heavens to sing for him, he also did not expect his family to suddenly appear.

He ran towards them, trapping them in a hug. They were see through, yet still whole.

Xiao tenses, was he allowed to witness this private moment? He took a step back, wanting to give the family some privacy as they mourned.

Venti's mother looked towards him, with a fond look in her eyes. Xiao grumbled as he realized he was significantly shorter than her.  He bowed regardless.

She opened her arms, welcoming him into their embrace. Xiao allowed himself to be pulled in as he whispered a thank you to both parents.

As the four sobbed in each others arms, the girls looked at the group with wet eyes. Hu Tao clicked the camera.

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