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  The bellows of the wind was enough music for the trees to go into their usual dancing frenzy, the night was just a little bit cold with the moon distributing it's light evenly across the vast roads. This was the time when most stores closes giving rise to the nightly clubbing activities that always went on till the crack of dawn.

With every steps taken by the petite male, any passersby could tell something auspicious must have happened to him, it wasn't one of those 'I finally won big', or the 'I finally met my favorite idol', it was just something minuscule out of the ordinary. Pertaining to the mysterious jolly mood of jaeyun's boss from the start of the week and how he had promised the boy a triple paycheck by the end of the week, it happened that he decided to shift his paycheck receipt to this particular day.

It had just been a normal Wednesday for jaeyun at the grocery mart, attending to customers, taking forceful selcas with middle school kids, cleaning areas that didn't even need any form of cleaning, receiving tips and all those. His boss had come in

a little bit after 4:00 looking jollier than he was the day before, this time because 'I finally got the chance to meet jaehwan's parents unprepared, but it was worth it' jaeyun had awkwardly congratulated the man thinking he was gonna leave after sorting out something's at the mart, but oh was he in for another surprise when he brought out a swollen brown envelope from his back pocket handing it over to the boy with one of the most biggest grins ever, jaeyun had confusedly collected the envelope noticing how heavy it weighed, 'your paycheck' his boss had said, the grin never leaving his face, 'I thought it was supposed to be given by Friday', jaeyun had answered skeptically, 'oh well... just decided to give it today... I'll give you an extra bonus by Friday' his boss had answered back with a single shoulder shrug.

So now here he was, walking with so much merry back home, he couldn't wait to give his mum the good news, he gave a final glance to the envelope before tucking it away into his pocket increasing his pace as he imagined how his mum's reaction was gonna play out when he shows her the envelope.

Finally getting to his neighborhood, the petite male brought out the envelope from his pocket again, gave it yet another glance and tucked it away AGAIN, you can't blame him tho... try having a grumpy boss that mysteriously changed into a jolly mess overnight, thanks to his heart getting stolen by someone he adores.

Taking the last few steps, jaeyun had gotten to the door of his home bouncing a little in anticipation only if he wasn't stopped by the scream that came through the door after. He didn't even hesitate for another second as he burst open the door, going in between his mum and the man that stood in front of her, his arms extended sideways in a protective manner. He glared at the man, the familiar saint of strong liquor wafting through the air.

"Mo-move away yo-young man"

He held his position taking a few seconds to check if his mum was okay, apart from her slightly busted lips and the not-so-tiny-but-still-tiny-cut on her temple, she seemed fine, but nevertheless jaeyun was fuming.


He barked at the man, his gaze falling to the almost empty bottle of liquor that was swaying helplessly with the man's staggering movement, he knew what could go wrong if he didn't listen to him and move, but there was just no way he was gonna let him hurt his mum. For all jaeyun knew, the bottle in his hands could be used as a weapon against him, heck anything within reach of the man could be used as a weapon the moment he is frustrated.

"just get-get ouuuttttaaa my-my way I'm *hiccup* warning you *hiccup*"

"Please just move jaeyunniie"

Came his mother's meek voice, but he wasn't having any of it.

IRONIC LOVE [JAKEHOONxYEONBIN] [DISCONTINUED 💔]Where stories live. Discover now