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Mathematics was the first class on jaeyun's schedule and unfortunately for him, the teacher, whoever he was, decided to always have his math classes jointly, in the sense that; all 10th graders up to the 12th grade would have to gather in the school's auditorium for the maths class.

"I'll sit next to you jaeyun"

A brown haired spoke up almost too merrily for jaeyun's liking, so he said the next thing that came to his mind.


The brown haired, beomgyu pouted folding his hands across his chest.

It wasn't like jaeyun didn't like sunghoon's friends, well maybe he didn't like them just a tad bit...but still, they were far better than the douche bag and maybe..just maybe he could warm up to them, just not happening now...

To him the beomgyu guy and sunoo guy just never seemed to get sad, almost like their lives were some sorta fairytale, they were just always too bubbly and giddy and ughh....too much happiness coming from them.

The heuning kai guy and Niki guy looked too innocent to know *STUFFS* like, if you hear them talking, you'd be wondering if God made a mistake in creating them.

The jungwon guy was in between the sungyu and Kaiki quartet, not to talk of the fact that his father is the principal of the school, who jaeyun maybe hates a little because he just had to compare him to park friggin sunghoon.

The taehyun guy was just like ....you know, this sweetheart but then suddenly becomes this psycho who'd not hesitate to slit any motherfugger's throat who dares touch a hair on his dear Ningning *coughs* heuning kai *coughs*. And not to talk of the fact that he looks to be crushing on a particular brown haired male in their circle, even his Ningning too!!....and the brown haired!!..def not a love triangle since all of them seem to be sporting the same feelings for each other... anyways, moving on..

The Daniel guy was just too much of an annoying little squid-shit he meant baby...yh...baby..hehe.

The kyungmin guy was just too much of a bookworm..and wouldn't hesitate to trade his friends for a book...only during rare occasions does he NOT do that.

The yeonjun guy was just.....a stuck up asshole??!!??!!...well jaeyun could get used to it.... wrong...he could TRY...no promises tho.

And last but not the least...Choi soobin...at first jaeyun thought he was a stuck up just like yeonjun, well he IS a stuck up too..but more of a sweetheart and jaeyun can swear on his life that soobin has a huge crush on yeonjun...he could just read people...

Jaeyun took another quick scan at the hall wondering why the universe had to be so unfair to him by basically*blessing* him this way...nice one universe!!!...you deserve a standing ovation.....

Before the silver head...yh silver head, somewhere between the time Last week when Mrs.park took jaeyun and Jay out for shopping she had suggested him dying his hair for a change and who was he to say no....so yh before he could*try* calming himself down, he was suddenly dragged into the auditorium by no person other than Choi fuggin yeonjun*Hyung*, the taller placed jaeyun on a seat at the far back right corner of the large room, yeonjun taking a sit beside him, he glared at the older questioningly..

"I thought I said ion want a seat partner"

"POC you rejected beomgyu's offer in sitting with you, not mine"

Jaeyun rolled his eyes knowing how useless it was gonna be if he tried talking the older out of it. kyungmin and beomgyu were directly sat in front of them followed by sunoo and Niki and then to the left of yeonjun and jaeyun were kai and taehyun, then Daniel and jungwon and in front of them was soobin with sunghoon joining him later, his clothes and hair strangely dried off.... jaeyun was kinda disappointed tho, cuz he was hoping the boy would have to like skip this class or maybe even get humiliated for his wet appearance, but no...the school just had to have a damned drier installed in the bathrooms and whatnot......damned school.

IRONIC LOVE [JAKEHOONxYEONBIN] [DISCONTINUED 💔]Where stories live. Discover now