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   He groaned, blinking his closed eyes, as he tried to block out the light he knew was gonna attack them the moment they got opened.

With another groan again he opened them finally, but instead of been greeted by the sunlight, he was greeted by a semi dark room. Not wanting to waste any further time and with the severe hangover that was threatening to rip his head apart, he sat up, regretting it immediately as his head felt so very heavy considering the pain that shot through it. 'just what the fuck was mixed In my drink' he thought to himself.

With his head in his right hand, he looked to his right side noticing the silhouette of a sleeping red haired dude, he grimaced at the sight that greeted him afterwards as the duvet was doing a poor job in covering the dude's dignity. With yet another groan, he pulled the duvet up to cover the red haired who seemed to be soundly asleep.

He finally got down from the bed, picking up his clothes that had spent the night?, Afternoon?, He didn't even know, on the floor, all he just remembered was....................................
Nothing, the headache made it worse. He groggily went into the bathroom to have a nice hot shower after which he came back out a few minutes later, grabbed his wallet and car keys off the night stand and left the cafe/hotel, he guessed he had already settled the bills as he wasn't stopped for it.

With yet another groan-just how many times was he gonna keep groaning..... He opened the driver side of his car with a little bit of struggle all thanks to his killer headache and went in as slow as he could, starting the car immediately, he zoomed off with only two things in his mind.... Painkillers and his bed.


He looked at his phone, it was dead, how could he forget to charge it, he was only slightly relieved because he was able to send a last minute message about his return even though it wasn't read, he was sure she must have read it by now.

He was supposed to have been back home long ago, but the pharmacy he had in mind had unfortunately closed so he had to walk an extra 50 minutes to a 24 hours grocery mart that fortunately had a mini pharmacy section. 

He tapped his foot on the side walk anxiously, eyes fixated on the traffic light a few Meters away from him, he had to get home.... And fast at that too, he had already wasted an hour and 35 minutes jumping from a pharmacy to another and he knew an additional hour and 35 minutes was still awaiting him, he just didn't know if his mum could hang on that longer.

With a sigh of relief he walked further across the road, eyes on the medicine bag in his hands as his mind was also only set on one thing.... His mum.


He turned his head to the armrest between the passenger seat and his seat, grabbing his phone off the armrest paying little to no attention on the what was ahead of him as he stared at the numerous amount of messages and missed calls from his brother, he had just turned off the airplane mode and now this?

😒Hyung😒; 56 missed calls and 44 unread messages.


He mumbled when he suddenly felt a force imparted in his car, causing him to press hard on the brake.

He sat still for a while contemplating whether he should just go take a look or just zoom off... To be honest, he really badly wanted to zoom off, but he didn't wanna face the officials yet Even though his head was screaming at him.

With a little huff and a signature groan, he got out of his car, cursing under his breath at whatever ran into him.

What he didn't expect was a whoever and not a whatever. He swears he felt his heart skip a bit when the said whoever looked up from his crouching position on the road.

IRONIC LOVE [JAKEHOONxYEONBIN] [DISCONTINUED 💔]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin