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I didn't really proof read the last chapter and only did when I finally published it, so apologies for the mistakes there, I tend to type too fast forgetting that I may make mistakes.

Enjoy anyways;


Îf sunghoon knew that his dad driving him to school was gonna gain him this much attention, he'd have taken up that offer long ago... Because well... He LOVES attention.

But he definitely wasn't loving this attention because it wasn't only he and his dad who got down from the car, but also jaeyun.

Sunghoon could feel the questioning gazes of everyone as they all matched down to the principal's office, he noticed the slight fidget coming from the slightly limping boy walking side by side his dad, but didn't even think to take too much in that, all what clouded his mind was lies he had to make up to feed the curious, excluding his friends who already knew the reason behind all this because he made sure to keep them updated. It wasn't even like anyone could dare walk up to him to ask, but it was still needed anyways.

"Ah Mr.park what a pleasant surprise"

"Hello to you too principal yang..."

Sunghoon just watched in slight disgust at the interaction of his father and the principal, it was still a mystery how elders always immediately have this drastic change in attitude when one of them was just scowling and grumbling at his kid not less than 6 minutes ago, and here his father was, sporting the biggest smile that could break the record of the Oscar awards best smile of the year, if there was even something like that.

They all took a seat in front of the principal whose eyes flickered between sunghoon and jaeyun.

"So, to what do I owe this meeting?"

The principal asked, still sporting that same grin that looked so fake sunghoon would do anything to wipe it off, it wasn't like principal yang and his dad had any grudge against each other, instead it was sunghoon himself and the principal that had a never ending grudge, so the boy knew he had to at least pretend he liked his son, when in all reality even a mentally unstable person could tell just at one glance that the principal hated the lad's guts and sunghoon could say the feeling was hella mutual..but what he wasn't expecting was what came out of the principal's mouth immediately he had asked that question, not even giving his dad a chance to answer him.

"Oh and hello Mr.park sunghoon sir, I thought you didn't see me seated here in FRONT of you to have actually GREETED me, that's why I thought..why not do it instead, afterall, we're now on the same level ay, we're both ADULTS now... you're almost done with high school already, so no need for respect again right?"

Sunghoon could only stare in bewilderment as the principal spoke, sarcasm dripping from every word that left his mouth, what was even more surprising was the fact that his father agreed to every damn thing the man said.

And out of all excuses he could think of to save him from the prying eyes of both his father and jungwon's dickhead father was a...

"Oh.. apologies sir...pleasant morning to you...I was preoccupied in my thoughts of how to make jaeyun adjust to the school's environment faster, I totally forgot about basic manners"

Nicely said, don't you think?...

That lie was obviously straighter than a circle that jaeyun just passed him one of his signature spear-glare and his father and the principal looked unconvinced.

"That's okay.."

That stupid sarcasm again, how does jungwon even manage this man?

"Now back to our main cause here principal yang, this is sim jaeyun the son of a close friend of mine"

IRONIC LOVE [JAKEHOONxYEONBIN] [DISCONTINUED 💔]Where stories live. Discover now