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Characters info:

1 Park Jimin(26 years old)
-CEO of Park Hotels Corp (his dad's company)

2 Park Jihyun (46 years old)
Lost his wife 13 years ago

3 Lily Park (Park Jihyun's late wife and Jimin's mom)

4 Kayla Peters (31 years old)
Mr Park's Girlfriend/ The New Wife

Feel free to share your comments and critics and votes that I get motivated and grow.

Thank you for reading🌸🌸


Jimin was busy the whole day attending meetings and taking care of business through emails and all. He was getting super frustrated and emotionally exhausted at the thought of dinner with that girl Kayla at his house. He doesn't like her at all and doesn't like that his father think she'd be a good wife to him.

He decides to text his bestfriend to hit the bar to numb his feelings atleast before the dinner.


Tae, wanna hit the bar after work?

Dude, it's Monday.

And!? If you don't wanna go it's ayt. I'll go alone

Is everything okay?


Okay let's meet at the bar in 30. You're gonna tell me everything.

Jimin packs up all his stuff and leaves the office to the bar. He really needs the distraction.

An hour later, Taehyung arrives and finds a very drunk Jimin by the counter ordering the bartender for 7more shots.

"Don't give him anything else. Just water please." Tae informs the bartender and Jimin pouts.

"Atleast let me get drunk please. You don't understand what I'm going through right now."

"Well that's why I'm here. Make me understand J." Taehyung replies with a soft concerned tone to his bestfriend who seems to be going through so much but it sucks to him that he wasn't there for him when he needed him the most.

"M-mom. I- I miss her so much Tae." Jimin's voice breaks at the end. A broken sob leaving his mouth and tears running down his face like a river. The only time Taehyung saw him in this state was when his mother died and the time of the burial only. That was the last time Jimin cried infront of him. His heart breaks for his bestfriend and he doesn't know how to approach him in a way that won't hurt his already shattered feelings.

"Here, have a glass of water and calm down for me okay." Jimin nods and downs the glass of water. "Do you wanna go on a ride?" He nods again at Tae's suggestions and they get up and leave.

The ride is brutally quiet and so slow as the two bestfriends drive around the city without a destination. Taehyung gives him time to speak up first when he feels ready so as to avoid pressuring him to talk about it.

Jimin sniffles and clears his throat in attempts to start the conversation that's weighing so hard on him. He can't seem to make out proper words to say but he really needs to talk to someone before he bursts.

"My dad is seeing someone and he's marrying the girl."


Taehyung goes silent so as Jimin who doesn't know how to continue from there.

"Oh! Wow.. That's great isn't it? I mean he's been out of the game for 13 years now." Taehyung awkwardly replies because what the hell is he supposed to say to that? A girl? Uhh!! Isn't Mr Park a little too older for girls? But he can't say that right now until Jimin has calmed down.

"Yeah and she's supposed to be my mom? That's fuckin insane, I will let any other woman especially her to come into our lives and replace my mom. She doesn't even look like a person who wants a serious relationship let alone marriage. What if she uses my dad and dumps us after like we mean nothing? I can't see my dad go through what we went through when we lost mom." Jimin tears up feeling sad and sorry for his dad because he really seems to love Kayla and wants to be with her.

"I think you're overreacting."
"I'm not overreacting, she's too young to know shit about being a family woman."

"J... give her a chance. I mean your dad wouldn't just let anybody come into your lives who he doesn't trust. He obviously sees a great woman in her and stop calling her a girl. Please sounds so weird." Taehyung chuckles trying to lighten up the mood but Jimin doesn't buy it.

"Bro that girl is tiny and I can't be having her trying to boss me around like an evil little sister."

"She's that young?" Taehyung asks in shock wondering how young she must be for Jimin to even consider her a younger sister.

"She's small and short. That doesn't matter to me though coz dad likes them like that lol. I just can't be having another mother. I'm doing this for dad."

Taehyung doesn't air out his loud thoughts but decides to say something else instead praying to God that it's absolutely not what he's thinking.

"Like I said. Give her a chance. For your dad too. You deserve to be happy again J... I want my old friend back. I really miss the old you."

"I'll try Tae. I'm sorry I've been nothing but a little shit to you and dad." He looks down in shame after Taehyung mentioned what his dad said to him yesterday. He changed and he's not the same anymore. They all miss the real him. "I'll do better. Take me home?"

"Fucking finally. I was afraid we'd run outta gas in the middle of nowhere." They both laugh and drive off to Jimin's house. Taehyung drops him off and tells him he'll get his car for him from the bar.

"Thanks Tae. I really needed this. I feel much better now."

"What are hommies for? I love you bro."

"Love you too. Bye." He waves him off and heads up to their penthouse on the top floor. The elevator rides up making him more and more anxious as the numbers count up close to his floor. His tummy ties into big knots in anticipation of how this whole dinner will go. He's already two hours late since the dinner was supposed to be at seven in the evening.


"Fuck my life." He breathes out and leaves the elevator. Pressing on the code, the door opens and he walks into the open living room connected to the kitchen area. He's met with a wavy long brown haired short lady who's back is facing him with her tiny waist wrapped around a pink Hello Kitty apron. He inhales deeply smelling the freshly home-made mac n cheese.

His favourite dish

Jimin's mother used to make him that every Monday when he came back from school and he never had it ever since her passing. His eyes fills with tears blurring his vision and his chin trembles as his heart breaks all over again. He missed this feeling of home. Coming back home to his mom making him a warm delicious dinner with love. Having his family settle at the dinner table, feasting and laughing together as the small happy family they used to be.

Jimin subconsciously walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist in a back hug. She stiffened and slightly flinched at the sudden touch. He dip his head in the crook of her neck and she felt streaks of warm liquid cascading down her neck. A sniffle breaks out followed by a broken sob when he tried to speak.

He's crying



His heart breaking


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